December 15th, 2022

  • December 15, 2022
  • István
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Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 15, 2022 19:02

György Matolcsy’s son Ádám Matolcsy made a great purchase in New York City for $34.8 million (HUF 14 billion) that is discussed in this article There are great photos of the condo in the article too.

As often does it follows the money and the article shows how there was an attempt to hide this purchase through a company called MN A18 LLC, which purchased the property that can be linked to Ádám Matolcsy. I have no doubt the money somehow actually came from the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) maybe it’s considered a wise investment?

One problem might be that by 2050 this area of New York could be underwater due to climate change. But since György Matolcsy is a visionary he no doubt knows the area will be saved by miracles from both science and Christ. So the Hungarian people can be reassured that Matolcsy makes wise decisions with the people’s money. 

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 15, 2022 20:36

Son of an unorthodox “economist” buy building with future sea view cheaply and not from his money. This could be considered ingenious here in the country … the “Ádám” also wants to become an admiral?

December 15, 2022 23:41

I am wondering Orban has taken revenge on Matolcsi for M’s December 5 criticism of O’s economic policies, by giving hints to the independent

Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 16, 2022 05:36
Reply to  tappanch

Not impossible that team Orban tipped off But what secrets about Orban’s money could Matolcsi leak?

One can only hope they destroy each other.

December 25, 2022 17:39

“One problem might be that by 2050 this area of New York could be underwater due to climate change.”
So capt.Matolcsy Nemo will enjoy the salty waters… blub blub…

December 15, 2022 22:44

The European Central Bank has extended, to 2024.01.15,
“its temporary swap line with Poland as well as its temporary repo lines with the central banks of Albania, Andorra, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania and San Marino.”

in billions of euros,

swap line: (euro <—-> national currency)

China: 45.0
Denmark: 24.0
Sweden: 10.0
Poland: 10.0

repo line: (euro <—-> euro-denominated collateral)

Romania: 4.5
Hungary: 4.0
Albania: 0.4
Macedonia: 0.4
San Marino: 0.1
Andorra: 0.035

December 15, 2022 22:57
Reply to  tappanch

The repo line for Hungary started as a CoViD-19 support measure on 2020-07-23.

December 15, 2022 23:03
Reply to  tappanch

The diamond core of “western” finances is the unlimited swap lines between the central banks of


December 15, 2022 23:48

Orban managed to curry favor with Putin again by opposing the extension of sanctions against Russia for another 12 months.

The EU had to contend with a 6-month extension instead.

“Hungary rejected a call from Lithuania to roll over the existing EU sanctions on Russia for 12 months, […], causing EU leaders to fall back on a six-month extension.”

December 15, 20229:25 pm

December 15, 2022 23:51
Reply to  tappanch

Orban parroted Trump on Facebook:

“Drain the swamp in Brussels”

December 16, 2022 00:06
Reply to  tappanch

[Read the numerous comments condemning Orban’s hypocrisy before they are erased]

December 16, 2022 00:23

Actual individual consumption per capita in 2021

EU27 average = 100%

US: 178%
Germany 128%
Switzerland: 118%
Austria: 117%

Czechia: 85%
Slovenia: 85%
Poland: 84%
Romania: 84%

Croatia: 72%
Slovakia: 71%
Hungary: 70%
Turkey: 69%

Bulgaria: 65%
Serbia: 53%

comment image

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 16, 2022 03:40
Reply to  tappanch

This statistic must be taken with a hearty grain of salt! What about Romania??
We all know that the lower figures of South-Eastern EU and Balkans are largely due to the traditional private/economy in kind transactions, the extent of which, is unrecorded.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 16, 2022 16:22

Today Magyar Nemzet ran a front page article about an award given to Orban by the New York Young Republican Club for various achievements that are depicted in this video I suspect the achievements listed for Orban, most of the readers of this list would more likely depict as crimes or lies. This Club by the way was once the bastion of what were called Rockefeller Republicans who held moderate-to- liberal views on domestic issues. The club is now controlled by die hard supporters of Trump. There was zero coverage of this award being given to Orban even by the right wing Fox news here in the USA.

How ever earlier this year this story appeared about this club and its love affair with Orban;

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 16, 2022 18:24

Mr. Weisman writes about the New York Young Republican Club event in Manhattan not long ago. He also writes about the so-called Republican moderates …

„“The unwillingness of so-called Republican moderates in New York and throughout the country to explicitly denounce the reckless extremism of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks for itself,” Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, the incoming House Democratic leader, said in an interview on Tuesday.“

I agree with him.

December 16, 2022 21:40
Reply to  Don Kichote

The Daily Beast, one of my favourite “alternative” US news sources, has a scathing article on those right wing loonies – from MTG to our old time friend Steve Bannon:

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 16, 2022 22:02
Reply to  wolfi7777

wolfi it could be that Steve Bannon is a more moderate Republican than say Ron DeSantis is or Kevin McCarthy – one is Trump the other is Trump without Trump.

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 16, 2022 21:04

Thanks for this information. Sadly, not covered in US press.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 16, 2022 21:25
Reply to  Misi bacsi

information not covered in US press …

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 16, 2022 18:46

Elon Musk blocks Twitter Acounds of journalists e.g. Aaron Rupar probably something did not suit Elon “the world champion of free speech”. Musk has the same disease as Trump and Orban …

December 16, 2022 21:25

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP)
November 2022 vs November 2021

#1 Hungary 23.1 %
#2 Latvia 21.7%
EU average : 11.1%
#26 France 7.1%
#27 Spain 6.7%

Switzerland: 2.9%

comment image

December 16, 2022 21:27
Reply to  tappanch

US CPI: 7.1%

November 2022 vs November 2021

December 16, 2022 21:41
Reply to  tappanch

Euro area inflation rate: 10.1%,
ECB (marginal lending facility rate): 2.75%
(as of December 21, 2022).

US CPI: 7.1%,
FED (overnight borrowing rate) : 4.25% … 4.5%,
(as of December 15, 2022).

December 17, 2022 01:14

Friday night. king Orban gave 10% pay raise to teachers, effective January 1st.

He promised to give another 10%, “when the EU money arrives”

1.1*1.1 = 1.21

Compare this with the official inflation rate above.

He also gave 5 billion forints to help out a private mushroom-producing company

Magyar Közlöny 2022. évi 208. számIndokolások Tára 2022. évi 122. szám

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 18, 2022 22:19
Reply to  tappanch

Today I unfortunately have no money to give away but tomorrow you will get double for it.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 18, 2022 14:46

For those who still believe today that the USA had humanitarian goals in Afghanistan. This was not the case …

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 18, 2022 20:29

István I can guess but I wonder now and then, because you are so quiet, if it is deafening or just the silence. 

December 18, 2022 22:09

And where did “a part of the Hungarian Airforce” fly to yesterday?
Huh, somewhere in the Persian Gulf? 
For What? What did they do there?
See the outbound route at

Will they may be return with one of these?
comment image
… and when…

December 18, 2022 22:45
Reply to  Ferenc

A big heap of instant racism from Orban’s apparatchik Szilard Nemeth:

“The white, Christian country representing European values [Argentina] became the World Champion.”

meaning France is not European, not Christian and not white.

Sz. N. is the paragon of white, Christian and European people:

comment image

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 20, 2022 19:51
Reply to  tappanch

Thank you for bringing that odious comment to our attention.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 21, 2022 05:01
Reply to  Misi bacsi

The comments by those idiots are pure bs.
Anyone who has played a football match and watched the world cup games knows that the best team won the championship – Where was Hungary? Lost, already in the qualifying phase.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 21, 2022 22:08

You are correct, the best team won. happy holidays to you Michael and all contributors. PS I played football/soccer in high school.

December 20, 2022 20:11
Reply to  tappanch

It’s almost funny, wonder what the Fidesz loonies will say:
The ambassador of Argentina in Hungary declared:
We are not white … – we are Mestizos
That means a mixed race of white and indigenous people.

December 18, 2022 22:48
Reply to  Ferenc

At the same time, Szilard Nemeth’s boss, Orban, tried to mesmerize the non-white, non-Christian, non-European Macron:

comment image

December 19, 2022 19:59
Reply to  Ferenc

and here’s the return flight

callnr.HUAF729; leaving Doha at 11:47; arriving in Budapest at 18:48; with an Airbus A319, normal seating range between 110 and 160, so possible for about 4 football teams including staff…

curious how many supporters are/were awaiting at BUD Airport…

December 18, 2022 23:39

Dec 18 by-election results for the local government of a portion of Csepel (part of Budapest), home country for Sz. N.

Orban’s party received the vote of 1/8 of the eligible voters and won.

Didn’t vote: 75.38%

Fidesz: 12.58%, winner
Opposition: 10.56%

December 19, 2022 17:44
Reply to  tappanch

Almost 25 % voted? Great!
Right now in Tunesia only 10 % took part in the elections for parliament.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 19, 2022 20:58
Reply to  tappanch

If there had been a 50% turnout, the election would have been 52.46% for Fidesz and 50.42% for the opposition. One must assume this because Orban and his sycophants control everything.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 19, 2022 03:58

Following these threads, the dividing lines between Hungary and the surrounding world are outlined with all the clarity one could wish for.
Tappanch’s stats add many figures and facets to the widening gaps and most commenters confirm the extreme contrast between realities and the official narrative.
By now, I (living in the West) see the 180 degree differences in perception with closer relatives in Hungary as normal and “matter of fact”, much like my father’s post-war view from “the other side”. Unending emergencies, but people go on with their daily lives and do very well at that. On the private bottom line, not much difference inside the refregirators and freezers.
Concluding on the paradox is like comparing everyday life in countries that have governments (Western style) to governments that have countries (Soviet style) – Is the electoral practice of nationalism just a matter of political taste or is it a deeper cultural matter?
Why does Hungary succeed at blackmailing the EU, 100+ years after Trianon? (Obvious answer – the EU can easily afford it – doesn’t count) Is there a moral aspect to this? Is Europe just keeping the door open for signs of reconcilliation?

Hungarian voter.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
December 19, 2022 17:39

Michael, yes – Hungary is far away from the West (don’t know about the other Comecon states) and on Sunday I just had a discussion with my wife’s young ones who have visited Germany and other developed countries where we agreed that Hungary is 50 years behind and showing no signs of catching up. And they are no friends of Fidesz, the churches or …
But they are working hard to keep up with the basics of daily life, even though they have well paid jobs. He works in IT and even has a company car but – no chance of going to the Canary Islands or even Florida, NYC etc as I did at that age, Croatia is the maximum.

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 20, 2022 19:54

The cartoon is very interesting with the figure barely touching the light. Perhaps a metaphor for the current situation of Hungary and the EU.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 23, 2022 03:49
Reply to  Misi bacsi

Very much so, it is!
Official Hungary has kept the blinds semi-shut (excepting a few brief lapses and for protecting the expensive glass) while the rest of us went outdoors and caught some real sunshine.
Happy Solstice to you!

Going down those stairs of life..jpg
Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 24, 2022 00:43

Thank you and happy holidays to you. Love this cartoon, let alone your comments.

December 21, 2022 01:10

The Hungarians have a tragic talent to accept bad circumstances and even support the producers of this misery by voting with a 2/3 majority for them.
EU still has the principle to leave no one behind, even when the candidate does everything possible to make him/herself impossible.
Yes, the EU can afford this, and in my opinion, should continue to stick to the principle. It surely needs a big endurance and the tools to counter the Viktor are only late and slow to develop. Maybe this is because nobody would expect a government of a country, a member of a democratic union, to sabotage these rules that are basically in favour of this country. The deterioration of Hungarian democracy was ignored for a long time by relevant members of the EP and the European Commission.
But very slowly the majority of the EP, the Commission, and the Council seem to find a way to avoid and even ridicule the Viktors’ sabotage acts. He looks more and more isolated.
And maybe the money paid by the European citizens will find the right purposes under EU control. Not always but more and more often.
To liberate the people of Hungary from this dictator is their own task. I do not think elections will help; they are too corrupt. In my opinion, the only way is, that the Hungarians occupy the streets and paralyze the power of the regime. But here the first sentence of my reaction comes into play.
I wish everybody here very nice holidays, and a good start in 2023.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 21, 2022 02:09
Reply to  jan

I agree with you on the EU stance and the necessity of patience, especially considering the choices available regarding international relations. Hungary cultivated bad relations with their neighbors since 1920.
The nationalism, and here I agree with Wolf, has had a regressive effect, and the traditional East European, officially repressive attitude, towards freedom of press aggravates this.
As I see it, after 1989, Hungarian politicians and media in unison failed completely in establishing a balanced dialogue with the general public, on all matters relating to EU. Perhaps the nationalism (deafness to foreign sources) is at the root of this bad communication, but also, determined Russian propaganda is big in the equation and Hungarian media like to balance “East vs West” in their own “anything goes” way.
Strong man rule seems a logical consequence for a population without grass-root level democratic organisation and coordinated public economic involvement in the state.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 20, 2022 20:51

It would be futile to examine every article of allegedly free media for the humanism in it (as an argument against an underexposed dictator) what it/he wants to say. A Hungarian national socialist problem is also telex “alias I look through Hungarian glasses” ! Comes here to the pathetic result and one reads “news from the EU and NATO”.

December 21, 2022 20:07

No comments on today’s press conference yet?
My wife read about it (on telex I think) and started laughing.
One sentence:
Hungary is no 1 in the EU!
Of course, considering inflation etc …
And all those promises:
You all will get money – as soon as the EU finances it.
If this goes on the EU should throw out Orbanistan says she – though of course it would hurt her family it might be a new chance at honesty and democracy.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 21, 2022 21:23
Reply to  wolfi7777

The nationalist media bubble always delivers the “good” news!
But with a quasi Neo-Nazi mentality like Orbánistan’s, where would honesty and democracy come from, if not from those who see themselves as Europeans before white supremacists?
I can’t see Orbánistan qualifying to join the British Commonwealth,
and it obviously wouldn’t work Balkan/Turk-style either (the drugs and gun cullture), which leaves only one place to join: The realm of the Post-Soviet “Stans”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 21, 2022 21:15

So my wife, myself, and our two Siberian Huskies took a long drive down to Tucson Arizona to spend the Holidays with my wife’s sister our daughters and her sister’s family. The posts I have just read seem to have come to grips with the great EU abandonment on containment of Orban’s Mafia state.

Here in the USA Zelensky is in Washington hat in hand asking for survival money and more high tech weapons. Some members of Congress have said they will not attend his speech including some Democrats and of course Republican Trump supporters in Congress. There is a lack of understanding here about Zelensky‘s own political base that includes funding from media oligarchy figures. Currently, four financial-political groups control nearly the entire broadcasting sector of the Ukrainian media.

Zelensky’s situation is really complex in relation to the the oligarch-owned industrial complexes or what remains of them after bombardment. It reflects a complete lack of understanding over here as to how the transition to market driven economies in all of the former communist states has evolved. The Republicans in particular are idiots about the failures of transition over in Hungary’s part of the world because their version of success would be some kind of copy of the USA which is just nonsense.

No full cut off of money is expected but it seems the idea of funding this war endlessly is becoming not so popular. One reason is among the foreign policy experts in Congress there is a belief that Putin’s Russia is really not much of a threat to the USA after their catastrophic losses during the invasion of Ukraine. Yes they have nuclear weapons including hypersonic ones, but the US military clearly believes it can defeat Russia and will have fully operational thermonuclear hypersonic cruise missiles in the next year.
The real threat is China and Taiwan is a major advanced microchip producer for weapons systems, so protecting the Island is strategically more important to US interests than is Ukraine or maybe all of Central Europe is.
Can the USA afford to defend both our interests in Asia and breaking Putin’s back with a bloody protracted war fought by Ukraine is an undecided question. It has all been good for US advanced weapon systems producers who are running factories 24 hours a day 7 days a week to just keep up.

Here is another crazy aspect to this world down here in the southwestern USA, the water shortage is becoming a reality. Southern California will likely need to quickly start building desalination plants massively to have sufficient water to sustain its population and commercial agriculture. The impact of global warming of the snow pack and the Colorado river is now huge and even some of our huge hydroelectric dams are on the verge of having insufficient water to operate. But it is wonderfully sunny here right now and relatively warm.

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 21, 2022 22:13

Happy Holidays or should I say Happy Grim Holidays. Have a great time in AZ.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 22, 2022 12:45

So far, while keeping domestic media under strict control, Ukraine has allowed Western media a much more nuanced and close-up coverage of the war and around in the country (especially the American-led campaign in Irak was heavily censored and strictly selective regarding press accreditation) than ever seen before in recent wars. I expect that to change, as the war cuts deeper into the flesh of the Ukrainian nation.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 22, 2022 20:56

Yes I think the Kyiv Independent walks the edge of violating Ukrainian martial law provisions much more often than do either The NY Times or Washington Post reporters located in Ukraine.

Recently I have met some Ukrainians who emigrated to Chicago who work in the skilled construction trades. They are all impressed at how President Zelensky has been able to rally their country. But one admitted that seeing Zelensky on his nightly TV broadcasts dressed in combat fatigues is upsetting to him because he did not fight the Russians back in 2018 and 2019.

Back then he told me Zelensky was a draft evader. This guy simply did not want to go back into combat again and emigrated to the USA one week before the Russian invasion with his wife and two children. His request for a visa that had been pending for several years happened just prior to Putin’s attack.

This Ukrainian correctly told me most Americans have no idea that Zelensky avoided the draft and continued with his hit TV show servant of the people, saying it was a really funny Tv show. If not for that show he would not have been elected.

December 21, 2022 21:50

The German conservative (!) newspaper FAZ has not so nice words on Hungary’s policy vs Russia as defined in today’s press conference:

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 21, 2022 22:14
Reply to  wolfi7777

Happy holidays to you Wolfi. Eva always enjoyed your comments.

December 21, 2022 22:28
Reply to  Misi bacsi

Thanks, MIsi, and the same to you and all other people on the site!

December 21, 2022 22:32

The SPIEGEL has even stronger words for the Budapest press conference:
The European Parliament should be dissolved – replaced by friends of Putin and Orbán maybe?
Well, we all know that these guys have strange ideas of “democracy”

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 22, 2022 21:02
Reply to  wolfi7777

Well I expected this from Fidesz. Orban is delegitimizing the EU. I doubt he is prepared to exit, he has enough sense to see how much of a mess Putin’s Russia is. So there is no where for Orban to go.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 13:20

„Brussels In the dispute with Hungary over violations of rule of law principles, the EU Commission is withholding all cohesion fund money for the Eastern European country. A total of around 22 billion euros will be frozen until the government in Budapest fulfills all conditions, the authority announced on Thursday.“ Writes the Handelsblatt … that this brings Orban to fall as many have already written here I doubt.

Navracsics claims the opposite

Tibor Navracsics a mediocre liar but a great advocate of oppression allegedly writes on his Facebook page „Earlier this week, I had the honor of signing the agreement on the National Recovery Plan on behalf of the Hungarian government. Today, the European Commission approved the Hungarian Operational Programs and the text of the Partnership Agreement itself.“

The index article also did not mention the frozen 22 billion euros. Too bad for the teachers or not. Maybe the holy simple-mindedness on “holy eve” will bring something over and if not this year then maybe next.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 13:41
Reply to  Don Kichote

The prime minister, who turns 60 next year, said he follows different mathematics. He was in opposition for 16 years, and next year, he will have been in government for 17 years, which he does not consider “satisfactory”.

In his profession, you never know “how long you can last”, he said, adding there may come a day when he feels he has “aged 100 years”.

Asked if he sees anyone in Fidesz who could be his successor, he said, “I only see such people”, but this has to be “navigated” carefully.”

In his profession … Dictator, liar, cheat? yes there are many successors 😀

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
December 23, 2022 19:15
Reply to  Don Kichote

I am amazed Orban was willing even to discuss a successor.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 20:04

1 time a year reporters are allowed to ask Orban questions 🙂 and the question was … so but how it looked inside Orban can only be guessed (bang) sure he swallowed double ration his antidepressants afterwards. He says HE must navigate carefully that indicates oodles of alcohol … I think. 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 18:00

Doesn’t look too good for Orbanistan:
BRUSSELS, Dec 22 (Reuters) – The European Commission said on Thursday it would hold back all 22 billion euros of EU cohesion funds for Hungary until its government meets conditions related to judiciary independence, academic freedoms, LGBTQI rights and the asylum system.

December 23, 2022 18:04
Reply to  wolfi7777

Sorry, just realised that Don had linked to another version of this already.
What I don’t get is the loonie way the Hungarian media describe this.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 18:55
Reply to  wolfi7777

The European Commission has hidden the information on its official site. The language is adjustable.

December 23, 2022 20:13
Reply to  Don Kichote

Now compare the commission’s text to the news in Hungary:
Totally different!

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 20:57
Reply to  wolfi7777

If I win a few “billions” in the lottery, I believe it only when my bank statement shows the sum. 12+ years of Orban do not pass by without a trace. Where could Hungary be today … min. “50” years further, Orban says he feels 100 years.

December 23, 2022 22:10

A joke to get you in the mood:
My wife just told me that 444 had a picture of a woman and 40 men. How do you describe that?
Fidesz in the parliament.

And I told her:
Yes, that’s a story from 1001 nights:
Katalin and the 40 robbers …

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 23, 2022 22:28
Reply to  wolfi7777
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 26, 2022 05:18

Who really worries about an economic cririsis in Hungary?
Families buy their christmas pigs in rural settings and the PM just granted his friend Dodik a 100+ mio Euro loan to stay afloat.
Democracy Digest: Orban Holds Rare International Presser; Another Loan for Dodik | Balkan Insight

December 26, 2022 09:24

We buy our eggs from our neighbours too, but they had to raise the price from 50 or 60 to 100 Forint, 1000 Forint for 10 eggs and no sugar at Lidl means less Xmas baking.
Well, maybe that’s good for their health – people consuming less sugar, less meat etc.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 26, 2022 16:24
Reply to  wolfi7777

That’s one thing I love about Eastern Europe – Any neighborhood always has someone selling good fresh eggs!
The health benfits you mention could be sigificant.

Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 26, 2022 18:39
Reply to  wolfi7777

Yes here in Tucson Arizona where I am right now eggs are as high as $6.99 for 12 (around 2630 Hungarian Forint I think). They can also be bought cheaper. I have been told the cost of eggs in the southwest USA are driven by water shortages and kill offs due to high temperatures from April through September.

December 26, 2022 20:33

Yes, climate change hurts everybody on Earth, humans and animals.
When will we ever learn?
Some of you may remember that song …

December 26, 2022 20:01
Reply to  wolfi7777

Rather OT, but funny:
We often pass our egg laying hens and their rooster and they are outside most of the time, eating greenery – which are leftovers from the little local store that the owner’s daughter manages.
A win-win for everybody!

Phil S. Stine
Phil S. Stine
December 28, 2022 08:31
Reply to  wolfi7777

When we were living in Hungary in 91/92 we would buy our eggs from a local old couple (in Soroksar); couldn’t remember the cost except they were very cheap, but my wife tells me they were 120F for 10, she says the local ABC was a little cheaper but then the local eggs were fresher, bigger and layed by healthy chooks (yolks bright orange not insipid yellow).

Bought eggs today at our local s’market; a dozen (12) extra large free range eggs for $4.90 (AUD). So @ today’s FX rate, 10 for 1037HUF. Pretty much the same as you pay in Esztergom. Must be tough …

December 28, 2022 12:15
Reply to  Phil S. Stine

Yes, for the people it’s extremely tough!
My wife just looked at the new LIDL ads – meat is almost the double price of last year and the same goes for many vegetables.So they’ll probably return to the really unhealthy style of living from Kadar times – just enough calories …

Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 26, 2022 16:23

This article ran this morning in the Washington Post.

It a little simplistic but covers the basics of Orban’s position on the war in Ukraine. I admit it was shocking to me that the defeat of Péter Márki-Zay backed by a joint opposition block which ran as open supporters of Ukrainian right to fight the Russian invasion and a pro-EU stance and against Orban’s corruption is not discussed in the article.

Really the Washington Post is primarily from an editorial perspective a supporter of a Ukrainian victory over the Russian invasion. But to be honest editorially “victory” is not clearly defined by the Post’s editorial staff. To my knowledge the Post has a háborúról tudósító riporterei között magyarul beszélnek.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 27, 2022 18:14

Another prominent Putin critic takes a dive from an open window.
Russian sausage tycoon Pavel Antov dies in Indian hotel fall – BBC News

December 27, 2022 20:24

A scathing article on how Orbán disregards Ukraine and peace (sorry, only in German):

The comments say it would be best if EU and NATO exchange Ukraine for Orbanistan …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 27, 2022 22:23
Reply to  wolfi7777

It’s reassuring to see that some bigger German media pay enough attention to the gigantic swindle and double-play conducted by the Orbán-led mafia state, and actually put factual weight behind opinions. If this goes on (which I hope it will), they might begin to influence the banks and investment brokers’ clientel, whose share trading in the auto/energy industry makes out the main pontoon keeping Orbánistan afloat, now that the honeymoon with the EU is at the state of “chambre séparée”, so to speak.
The head-banging stupidity, with which Orbánistan goes about its energy policies, alone, should be enough to convince people at any level.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
December 27, 2022 23:07

Michael, sorry – but the automobile industry and others too don’t care about democracy at all. They just want low wage workers and lower taxes, whether it’s in East Europe, Turkey or Asia.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 28, 2022 03:04
Reply to  wolfi7777

Money doesn’t respect people, thats for sure!
Let’s imagine for a moment that the green(washing) trend catches attention at higher levels in Germany – Hungary is too many laps behind in that respect to be taken seriously. The money could change horses, if the gains are good enough.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 28, 2022 12:32

Hungary introduces “excess profits tax” for pharmaceutical industry“ retroactively for the year 2022. Everyone can imagine what this means for the poor population … the rich survive the poor can perish. Is that patriotism?

Last edited 1 year ago by Don Kichote
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 28, 2022 12:40
Reply to  Don Kichote

If Hungary supposedly gets the money from the EU as Navracsics claims, why does Orban need the additional tax? Quite simply, Navracsics is a bad liar, but he is one.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 29, 2022 00:10
Reply to  Don Kichote

If that trend continues, we should expect to see a measure of cannibalism among the greediest of Orbán’s oligarchs. There won’t be much he can do about it.

Oligarchy in times of recession..jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 29, 2022 22:12

Michael I do not believe that Orban’s oligarchs will tear themselves apart. First, they are “well” taken care of 🙂 , second, they are scared shitless. Either you go along or you are gone. Like in the past in “communism” 😀 . I think that the mauled ones are/will be the weakest of the society! Nobody (Nobody is the Hungarian government) in the Hungarian society cares about them – maybe they all belong to it with only 1 million Euro, one more the other less. No, the Hungarian Fidesz criminals will go unpunished … and no professor Dr. or teacher will mind.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 29, 2022 22:47
Reply to  Don Kichote

When they start to die by accident/suicide, you will know.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
December 29, 2022 23:36

It is not impossible, but a few or even more deaths do not weigh as heavily as today’s dumbing down. The payment seems ad equad.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 30, 2022 00:08
Reply to  Don Kichote

Today’s Hungarian education is back at the level my father grew up with in the inter-war period. Not much hope there.

December 30, 2022 11:08

Volodymyr Zelenskyi just signed the Law on Rights of National Minorities, one of the many steps to become an EU member. Orbán used many times the lack of protection of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine to justify Hungary’s attacks on UA. I don’t expect any reaction from him though, he’ll just look for another excuse to keep going.

December 30, 2022 11:58
Reply to  Theestampe

Once a friend of Putin, always a friend of Putin …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 30, 2022 17:10
Reply to  Theestampe

Orbán tries hard to inluence international opinion against the EU national minority policy which, although it protects many rights of national minorities, doesn’t advocate autonomy of minorities within member states, as this is a domestic matter.
This article (in an American weekly) by two Fidesz politicians, shows the importance of the autonomy issue for Orbán’s unsubstantial effort, to explain away the obvious Hungarian lack of solidarity and cooperation.

Europe Needs to Commit to Protecting National Minority Rights | Opinion (

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 30, 2022 17:42
Reply to  Theestampe

This article is already arguing the new Law on Rights of National Minorities signed by Zelensky is inadequate. How is that surprising.

Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 30, 2022 17:32

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov yesterday was on Russia’s Channel One for an interview. He made the following claim “Dozens, maybe even hundreds of American troops are in Ukraine.” He went further saying US “Military specialists are obviously engaged not only in making visits to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but, of course, in one way or another they provide direct advisory, and maybe even more than advisory, services.”

Lavrov also stated the Russian military was making plans to disrupt the arms shipments from the USA to Ukraine by attacks on railways and roads shipping in US military assistance. Team Orban will inevitably say I told you so warning of an expansion of the war in Ukraine.

December 30, 2022 19:18

Are they preparing for the end of Orbanistan?
Mészáros and Lörincz have each bought several hotels in the Austrian Alps.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 30, 2022 20:49
Reply to  wolfi7777

They haven’t heard about climate change yet!

Climate challenge.jpg
December 30, 2022 21:15

I wonder why so many NER choose to invest in tourism? Is it easier to launder money? Or to avoid paying taxes? I’m not surprised they seek new destinations though; I guess there is a limit to what you can invest in Hungary’s tourism industry before you run out of customers.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 30, 2022 23:53
Reply to  Theestampe

For some untold reason, the tourist, event, and real estate businesses are far behind in the implementation of the otherwise established KYR (“Know your customer”) practices, which make laundering more difficult and easier to detect. For this reason, these markets have a concentration of organized criminal investors and frequently moving letter-box companies.
Could be that some of the EU sanctioned oligarchs are looking for new places for their skiing holidays?

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
December 31, 2022 01:56
Reply to  Theestampe

The tourist industry is declared a business of national interest as far as I know. The same level as sports accommodations, motorways, railways to Serbia, nuclear plants, infrastructure for foreign investors, and churches to name some examples.
This means that money from the taxpayers and the EU will be directed to these channels. We all know who has interests here. It is not difficult.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
December 31, 2022 03:28
Reply to  jan

Yes, and when it involves buying real estate (also abroad)
without hard documentation for where the money originates from and without the usual EU limits on cash payments, that’s where you go to launder.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Detreköy
Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
January 2, 2023 20:59

Love this toon.

Istvan. (Chicago)
Istvan. (Chicago)
December 31, 2022 15:55

Responding to discussion on the ski industry. The combined punches of global warming and the pandemic have been devastating to the ski tourism industry in the USA.

Colorado-based Vail Resorts has improved its profitability by raising lift ticket prices and season pass prices. They are also buying up resorts. By 2050
home values near ski resorts could drop by at least 15 percent due to warmer winters, according to a study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin. At lower elevation ski areas, such as in Utah, Idaho, Nevada and parts of California, they could fall as much as 55 percent.

What is happening is there are massive snow falls, then melts with snow killing rains even at higher elevations. I love skiing but so far this season I have not gone once, last season only twice. It’s depressing really and not great for our beloved Siberian Huskies who love going dog sledding on the river near our northern Wisconsin home. The river freeze’s solid with snow for only two to three weeks a year now.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
January 1, 2023 05:48

Yes, the skiing is strongly affected by the changing climate.
But regarding tourism, the Austrian Alps is still a major international tourist magnet. During the (still long) winter season, great numbers of (mostly younger) people are transported by busses from all corners of Europe to the many alpine facilities, which boast the heftiest night life with pungent supplies of cheap alcohol, prostitution and whatever else people might want, in order to party, and the skiing looks more like an excuse for being in business there.
The serious skiiers prefer the older established Olympic sites, but the majority go to “Alpine Party Land”, with all the wild night life.
The alcohol/party-tourism is an established East European specialty and it seems logical that the bigger players on that scene expand their activities to the Alps, now that resorts struggle to survive economically.

January 1, 2023 10:28

And it was one of those party nights in Bad Ischl that started the first Covid wave in Austria and later all of Europe.
Best wishes for the New Year!
It has to become better …
With all the money spent of fireworks here in Hungary …

Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
December 31, 2022 22:49

Happy New Year to all, especially the broad coalition of readers supporting restoration of democracy in Hungary.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
January 1, 2023 05:56
Reply to  Misi bacsi

Thanks Misi, and a Happy New Year to you!

Hungarian beginnings..jpg
Misi bacsi
Misi bacsi
January 2, 2023 20:59

Fantastic toon. Happy New Year Michael!