A Few Thoughts at the End of the Year
Allow me a few thoughts at the end of the year. It was a terrible year in many aspects, we all were shaken by the sudden death of our dear Éva, and we really miss her voice for a free Hungary. We have also seen in how many aspects the Hungarian regime more and more […]
This week the opposition started to publish their program. Perhaps for getting more attention for one field of politics a presentation every day. They started with social politics on Monday evening. The expression social politics is something the Orbán regime never would use, they prefer family politics. But is it really in favour of families? […]
At the end of the year the inflation is at 7.4 % and the Euro at 371.20 Forint, our currency is exchanged at worst rates ever. But this doesn’t even touch the reality at the groceries, the Privátbankár’s statistical food basket showed an inflation of 13.8 % ►HU in the December purchase, the 2nd highest […]
Procurement in Times of Corona – Part 2
The other remarkable procurement of the Orbán regime is about vaccines. The EU members agreed to purchase vaccines commonly, to avoid being in concurrence to each other, not to enable the richer and larger countries to be in advantage against the poorer or smaller countries. Common procurement and distribution according to the size of population […]
Procurement in Times of Corona – Part 1
Before I start with the topic, I want to return for a moment to the topic I covered in Gambled Away. Up to now there was always a reason to build a new stadium, no matter whether there protests of citizens or there was no money for the important things a state has to pay […]
Gambled Away
Tonight a bomb exploded, the regime has declared that the budgetary planning for 2022 is already now worthless. What happened? The EU has just a year ago set-up a plan called Next Generation EU. With the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) as key instrument, offering a total of 723.8 billion € to finance this, whereof […]
Show in the Castle Theatre
The office of the PM moved ►EN to the Budapest castle district into a building that was functioned for ages as the Várszínház, the Castle Theatre. For a very few years, before the secularisation under king and Emperor Joseph II, the building served as Carmelite monastery. Orbán tries to revive the name of the building […]
Law of the Ruler
The world became better place yesterday, the genius of the Carpathian Basin has enlightened the world with his newest oeuvre, szamidat 15 ►EN. Orbán wrote: “A homeland only exists where rights also exist.” Or as Bloomberg ►EN interpreted: “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban indicated his government may defy a ruling of the European Court of […]
Orbán and the King of Porn
The headline may sound sensational, but these are the persons one of the most important political questions of these days turns about: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and porn mogul György Gattyán. Orbán created soon after he won the elections in 2010 among so many other things a new electoral system, which works extremely well for […]
It's interesting to note that an appearently "freak" perpetrator armed with a vintage rifle and an otherwise amateurish approach to…
That really doesn't sound very reassuring for the people on the ground.
[8:30, former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security under djT]: "... the Oval Office was like a…
A lot about djT in last weeks' comments. Recently came across an ABC Australia documentary, has a [former] Hungarian ["uborka"]…
Trump was not fired on in this incident. A secret service agent opened fire on the potential assailant after spotting…