June 1, 2024

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May 31, 2024 17:56

“I’ve known President @realDonaldTrump to be a man of honour.
As President, he always put America first, he commanded respect around the world and used this respect to build peace. Let the people make their verdict this November!
Keep on fighting, Mr. President!”

May 31, 2024. Victor Orban

“man of honour” 🙂

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 1, 2024 19:54
Reply to  tappanch

Fortunately, you can always tell when Viktor Orbán lies:
It’s when his lips move.

May 31, 2024 22:37

A day after Trump’s conviction, Biden offers Hamas a victory in return for the remaining (very few) living hostages.

A victory, because Hamas will quickly replenish its hardware, will rebuild its tunnels.

Biden hopes to win the US elections because of the few months of calm in the Middle East.

Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas will attack Israel again after the US election.


June 1, 2024 14:43
Reply to  tappanch

Did you read the same readout as I did?

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 1, 2024 16:08
Reply to  tappanch

If I were an Israeli, I would probably be more concerned about the prospect of the 2-state concept. Because if a Palestinian state is internationally recognized, Hamas and co. would become officials and diplomats, with the power to establish a national force with direct cross-border relations to Iran and co.

June 1, 2024 21:11

2-state solution = final solution (in 2 steps)

Example 1
the 2020 ceasefire agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, followed by the 2023 elimination of Artsakh.

Example 2
the September 1938 Munich agreement, followed by the occupation of the entire Czechia in March 1939.

Iran already announced that they would send troops into a new Palestine.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 1, 2024 21:41
Reply to  tappanch

If trust was to be put on current global authorities/Forums and the UN, that’s where the cupboard stands. From there it can only go against Israel.
I have no political/religious ties with either side, but I look at (real world) proportions.

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael Detreköy
June 1, 2024 20:17
Reply to  tappanch

“Biden reveals ‘Israeli’ ceasefire plan”by

Details according to the Saudi-owned, London-based Al Majalla magazine (they seem to know the details before the Israeli government or people)

Hamas will release 33 hostages, dead or alive.
In return, Israel should release about 1000 live terrorists.

Exchange rates according to the Biden “peace” [i.e. bigger war later] plan:

1 civilian hostage = 30 terrorists
1 female soldier = 50 terrorists = 30 terrorists jailed for successful murder + 20 less successful terrorists
1 male soldier = further negotiations

June 1, 2024 17:48

June 9, 2024
European and Hungarian local elections

Categories of eligible voters

Hungarian citizens with Hungarian address

2014-04-06: 8,019,534
2017-08-10: 7,960,767
2024-06-01: 7,677,194

EU but non-Hungarian citizens with Hungarian address
Eligible to vote in the Hungarian local election [EU election]
2017-08-10: 105,766 [1,464]
2024-06-01: 137,092 [4,688]

Refugees, immigrants eligible to vote in the local election.
2017-08-10: 23,372
2024-06-01: 35,822

Eligible to vote by mail in the EU election:
2017-08-10: 0
2024-06-01: 127,159

Registered Hungarian citizens with NO Hungarian address

by notification address [by physical address]

2017-08-10: 127,961 [not disclosed]
2024-06-01: 193,024 [288,480]

2017-08-10: 32,568 [not disclosed]
2024-06-01: 67,815 [82,964]

Ukraine + Slovakia + Austria
2017-08-10: 15,827 [not disclosed]
2024-06-01: 20,828 [32,867]

2014-04-06: 193,793
2017-08-10: 291,394
2024-06-01: 440,038

June 2, 2024 09:06

Judging from his speech yesterday (June 1), Orban already knows the result of the June 9 election.

Not only 800 Venezuelans, but 33 thousand Ukrainians, 83 thousand Serbs are waiting for deployment, legally per Orban’s electoral law.

Some of the 288 thousand Romanians might have also re-located on paper to Hungary to win local elections for Orban.

Fictitious addresses were legalized by the regime in 2021.

June 2, 2024 09:32

And now back to reality:
42% of young Hungarians planned to move abroad in three years in 2023. Another 11% “would like to” leave Hungary.
Source: dailynewshungary.com https://dailynewshungary.com/50-pc-of-young-hungarians-would-leave-hungary/

June 2, 2024 09:36

My last comment was partially lost.
I wanted to start with Orbán’s demonstration in Budapest yesterday – unbelievable!
All the usual crap came up – Soros, gender family, christian …
Of course, when Fidesz says “we want peace” they really mean:
We want Putin!

June 2, 2024 16:58
Reply to  wolf

The participants of the frog march.


June 2, 2024 17:12
Reply to  tappanch

A liberal peace frog

June 3, 2024 11:10
Reply to  tappanch

Little Hungarian etymology.

peace frog = béke béka

béke = of unknown origin;

béka = of pre-conquest (pre 900 AD) Turkic origin.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 2, 2024 20:26

Hungary needs to involve more women (and women generally) in all decision making processes.
The state also needs to acknowledge the present national borders and act accordingly with the neighbors.
Without meeting those premises, Hungary remains far behind Europe, trailing Russia.

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael Detreköy
June 2, 2024 21:25

Putin and ex-KGB are everywhere…

93-year old Rupert Murdoch got married to the ex-wife (married 2008-2017) of Russian oligarch Abramovich today.

Expect more pro-Russian coverage in Fox news.


June 2, 2024 21:32
Reply to  tappanch

Correction. Murdoch’s 67-year old new wife (Elena) is the mother of Abarmovich’s ex-wife Dasha.

Elena’s first husband (Dasha’s father) is related to Soviet marshal Georgy Zhukov.

June 2, 2024 21:39
Reply to  tappanch
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 2, 2024 23:42
Reply to  tappanch

Let’s not get too carried away in anti Russian conspiracies, ok? After all, they have been around for a long time before Soviet and Putin.

June 3, 2024 07:03

Secret service cum propaganda minister Rogan went to a soccer game in London by private jet, spent the night in a $10,000 “presidential suite” in a hotel.


He lied that he was present at Orban’s frog march because the plane left Budapest, Ferihegy at 3:48 PM on June 1.

comment image

June 3, 2024 07:07
Reply to  tappanch

the median net salary of a full time employee in Hungary is
$12,000 a YEAR.

June 3, 2024 07:16
Reply to  tappanch

Orban’s son-in-law has obtained the hotel Gellert in Budapest.

That hotel will be managed by the same Chinese (Hong Kong) company “Mandarin Oriental” as this luxury hotel in London.


June 3, 2024 07:50
Reply to  tappanch

and they talk about the dollár baloldal without any irony while spending millions on propaganda using my and other taxpayers’ money…

June 3, 2024 07:32

Russian troops are in full attack on the eastern front of Ukraine.

They want to take Vuhledar, Pokrovsk and Chasiv Yar.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 4, 2024 14:21
Reply to  tappanch

Yes I am surprised the Russians are being so aggressive, tactically it carries a lot of risk that the slow grinding war of attrition does not.

What Orban is claiming to be risk taking by NATO that could lead to a potential armed conflict with Russia is in my opinion reflects a real terror of a potential Russian breakthrough I think.

Here in the USA that possibility is continually discounted in the liberal media and ignored by the pro-Trump media.

Overall the EU is preparing for the possibility of a Trump victory and the US abandonment of Ukraine over time. Trump will focus on China as our big threat if he should be elected.

Most higher ranking retired US military officers I know personally agree with Trump on that, but believe Trump is mentally ill and probably will not vote for him. My own daughter who is a Lt Colonel in the Army Reserves is terrified of a second Trump presidency and amazingly says so to friends and family. By the way she is getting married on June 15 to a guy who was her martial arts instructor and retired from MMA pro fighting years ago who owns a popular gym in Reno Nevada and another in Lake Tahoe California.

June 4, 2024 18:29

Congratulations to your daughter (and to you) !

My pipe dream is that the Republican convention will suddenly choose Nikki Haley in July (she would promise Trump a full pardon, of course). Then the Democrats will also replace Biden with someone else. So the American people would be offered a better choice.

June 4, 2024 18:36
Reply to  tappanch
Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 5, 2024 01:16
Reply to  tappanch

Well right now Haley would likely defeat Biden. But she is no where near extreme enough for the Republicans as they now exist.

President Biden once he leaves the script goes on many adventures much to the distress of his handlers. Trump uses no scripts and rambles on and on for hours at his rallies.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 5, 2024 13:52

Does such a national leadership predicament give cause for serious reflection in the national media?
Or is it simply fuel for the show business that dominates US news media?

June 4, 2024 20:32

Today is Trianon Day!
No comments on this?
Fun fact:
When I told my wife about this she said:
Why should I care? Leave this to the Fideszniks …

June 4, 2024 20:55
Reply to  wolf

Orban is celebrating Tisza, who pushed for the war.

He was also a “conservative” – he wanted to keep the pool of eligible voters at 6.5% of the population.

Like to Germany, the loss of the war came suddenly to Hungary.

The “central powers” felt victorious in the summer of 1918 – Russia was out, Ukraine was occupied, Romania, Serbia were defeated.

Then out of the blue, the Balkan front of Austria-Hungary & Germany collapsed on September 14, 1918. In six weeks, there was no longer Austria-Hungary.


June 5, 2024 00:03

Election news.
As usual, there will be 10,000+ precincts in Hungary.
Local government employees are always vote counters.
Political parties and candidates can also appoint their vote counters.

Number of these extra vote counters
2019 European election: 27,248
2019 local election: 29,979
2024 local + EU election:21,173

Their breakdown:

Fidesz: 44.2%
Fake Party: 8.8%
DK-MSzP: 6.2%
Momentum: 4.9%
Jobbik: 3.1%
LMP: 2.3%
Dog party: 2.2%

This is tragic percentage.

This means that even if the opposition parties had coordinated their fielding of the vote counters (they did not), in more than 82.3% of the precincts there will not be any opposition vote counter (cum observer).

June 5, 2024 09:31

The Viktor tells the people that Brussels brought us to the brink of war.
And if we don’t vote for his orange party the war is coming.
And people will believe this.
Home: Here is Viktor Orbán’s letter, which Fidesz activists take to millions of households | hvg.hu

June 5, 2024 15:47
Reply to  Jan

My wife got that letter today, it’s on very strong paper and she threw it into the garbage immediately, didn’t even look at it. And the ad from the local Fideszniks went with it.
How many millions of forint have been used on this crap?
And who pays for this?

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 6, 2024 14:18
Reply to  wolf

My impression is that such anti-NATO and EU Propaganda is targeting Fidesz voters. Overall it combines fear over a NATO Russia conflict with traditional Hungarian hostility to Ukrainian control over the Ukrajnai magyarok.

I really do not have the energy to carry on an ideological battle with my extended family members who are Fidesz supporters on Facebook.

I would say overall Orban has successfully utilized an innate fear of Russia and ethnic hostility towards Ukrainians in this campaign.

I do believe Putin could consider using low yield tactical nukes on Ukrainian weapons sites that are hitting Russia proper. Especially using British “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles and U.S. made surface-to-surface Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS.

I worked while still an officer at the US Army missile range at White Sands. The ATACMS can be converted from conventional warheads to tactical nuclear ones with dial a yield capability in minutes by crews. The US has for sure many of the tactical nuclear warheads in bunkers ready to deploy and load on military transport planes if they are needed.

The Russians of course know this and the treaty prohibiting either Russia or the USA deploying those weapons in Europe was abrogated by Trump in 2019 (it was called Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty).

Biden has made no attempt to restore it nor has Putin. So Orban isn’t totally in La La land on everything.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 5, 2024 21:13
Reply to  Jan

I think the official Hungarian perspective on the (by Putin) declared “New World Order” is completelly de-tracked and without proportion – Hence, the uncountered “peace” nonsense from Orbán.
Either, Hungary is a state in Europe, or a Neo-Soviet state.
How the Hungarian people really relate to that is not known at all.

June 6, 2024 06:30

We will see in the elections how the Hungarian people relate to a campaign without a program.
Only hate and defamation are the topics.
Everyone who votes for this is guilty of destroying the country, as we know since 2012 as the fundamental law replaced the constitution.
Here is an example of how far it goes.
Home: Fidesz in Szombathely alarms with photoshopped photo of burning Vienna and Gyurcsa | hvg.hu
This kind of stuff is all over the country.

June 5, 2024 22:55

The Orban government wants to force the fideszization (i.e. privatization, gratis, to reliable regime servants) of the remaining 4 state universities by withholding sufficient funds from them.

The real value of state support of the Budapest University of Technology (BME) is shown in the diagram:

The Budapest University of Technology will elect a new president on June 10. Although both candidates support the fideszization to save the university, the government told the university which candidate it wants.



June 5, 2024 23:00
Reply to  tappanch

It would cost only $10 million to restore the real value of the salaries of the faculty, but the regime is not willing to give the money unless the university fideszizes.

June 6, 2024 06:43
Reply to  tappanch

This fideszization (a beautiful term you invented here) of universities is disgusting. I know from several universities how the process was stimulated with empty promises. Nowadays, teaching faculties are forced to publish articles wherever they can and about whatever they want—just the quantity counts, not the quality.
And of course, money could play a role in climbing the ladder.
hvg360 – The government has figured out how to move Hungarian universities up the world rankings
From the article:
“It doesn’t hurt to be on good terms with the rankings – this consideration also led the government to enter into agreements with international companies that publish university rankings.

“The aim of the cooperation is to ensure that as many Hungarian universities as possible rank high in global higher education rankings” – this is how the Ministry of Culture and Innovation summarised in its statement at the end of May what it expects from the contract it has concluded with Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a company that prepares university rankings.”

Last edited 4 months ago by Jan
June 6, 2024 01:30

Fidesz has a list – they assign a number to everyone from 0 to 10 as to how strong her/his support is to the party.

PTR = párttámogatási rendszer = party support system

Fidesz re-gerrymandered the local election districts before the 2024 local election.

Example: Eger


Of course, they will do the same before the 2026 general election.

June 6, 2024 11:16

The European rapporteur on Hungary considers it the failure of the European Union and the European Parliament that Orban will take over the European presidency for six months starting July 1.

The current Belgian residency, as opposed to its promises, did not pushed forward the article 7 procedure against the Orban government.


June 6, 2024 15:30

Trivia about sex inequality:

Although men’s average social security payment is larger them women’s

(229,781 Ft= €601 vs 200,846 Ft = € 525 a month on Jan 1, 2024),

The Hungarian state pays out 60% of the social security to women, since

0.919 million men vs 1.504 million women live to enjoy his/her retirement.


June 6, 2024 17:36

The Hungarian government bought 80% of the Budapest airport (Ferihegy) today.
The French VINCI group will have a 20% stake

“The value of the 100% transaction is €3.1 billion (equity value), plus net debt of €1.2 billion

So Orban paid €2.48 billion and assumed €0.96 billion of debt




June 6, 2024 17:39
Reply to  tappanch
June 6, 2024 18:19
Reply to  tappanch

The Orban government sold 25% of the airport 13 years ago for

36.6/265.78 = 0.1377 billion,


2011: 100% airport = 0.5508 billion
2024: 100% airport = € 3.1 billion debt,

5.6 times the 2011 price.


June 6, 2024 19:45
Reply to  tappanch

And who got/earned/won those billions?

June 7, 2024 07:30

Fun fact:
Of all Chinese investments in business in the EU last year 44% went to which country???
You guessed correctly – Orbanistan!
So Hungary is not only Putin’s best friend …

June 7, 2024 07:41

Party sympathy poll by Publicus (taken June 3 to 5)

Voters = 56% certain + 44% leaning =

Fidesz: 0.56*0.43+0.44*0.09 = 28.0%
Tisza (Peter Magyar) : 0.56*0.25+0.44*0.26 = 25.4%
Left Alliance (DK+MSzP): 0.56*0.15+0.44*0.35 = 23.8%

Momentum: 0.56*0.04+0.44*0.11 = 7.1%
MiHazank: 0.56*0.05+0.44*0.06 = 5.4%

Dog party: 0.56*0.04+0.44*0.05 = 4.4%
Jobbik: 0.56*0.02+0.44*0.04 = 2.9%


June 7, 2024 08:22

The mask is off.

Budapest mayoral race.

The official candidate of Fidesz just withdrew 2 days before the election.
(Fidesz said just yesterday that this rumor is a canard)

Karacsony (current mayor, opposition)
Vitezy (fake independent, most people do not know he is related to Orban)

June 7, 2024 08:40
Reply to  tappanch

Fidesz thinks that 74% of the Fidesz voters will vote and will vote for Vitezy, and this way Mayor Karacsony can be beaten.


June 7, 2024 21:47
Reply to  tappanch

The mask :

June 7, 2024 18:15
Reply to  tappanch

Wtf is that supposed to mean?
There is no reason at all given for Alexandra Szentkirályi i’s leaving the race.
For a ruling party to behave like this is unknown in civilsed developed countries – but in a sh*thole dictatorship that’s differnt of course.
How much did they pay her?

June 7, 2024 19:17
Reply to  wolf

Alexandra is Orban’s good soldier !

Her husband is an Orban-created oligarch who serves as Orban’s defense minister now – Szalay-Bobrovniczky.

In the Hungarian wikipedia article, Sz-B proudly lists his ancestors four generations back – they were all members of the feudal ruling class.

A good match for Orban’s klepto-feudal system.

June 7, 2024 19:22
Reply to  tappanch

Her short and reluctant interview on the terrace of a cafe:

“[My withdrawal] is a possibly good step towards victory”


June 7, 2024 19:34

Local election, district 8 of Budapest:

Fidesz registered 52 new voters in a 67 square meter apartment and 30 new voters in a 104 square meter apartment.

The voters with these fictitious addresses were paid 50 euros each. In return they have to vote for Fidesz.

Orban’s appointed governor of Budapest (“főispán” – a renewed feudal title) wants to win the mayoral race of district 8.


Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 7, 2024 19:48
Reply to  tappanch

The sandbox politics of Fidesz seem to make out Hungarian politics – bar a few “deranged” people, as far as mainstream media go – but is that all there is to it?
Does Hungary have a domestic opposition?

June 7, 2024 19:47

Peter Magyar will vote invalid in the Budapest mayoral race – he does not want to support “either Orban’s or Gyurcsany’s candidate”.

I think this wording is net support for Orban.


June 7, 2024 19:51
Reply to  tappanch
June 7, 2024 20:12
Reply to  tappanch

Don’t these crazies know that “not voting” is always a vote for the ***expletive deleted***?
Hungary is really going down the drain – no wonder that more people want to leave.
And other EU countries are happy to get these clever and industrious people in their workforce

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 7, 2024 21:43
Reply to  wolf

“Not voting” is an anonymous (and misunderstood) form of shallow, personal protest.

June 7, 2024 21:35

Even the skeleton of CEU will completely close in Hungary. (Orban forced them to emigrate to Austria years ago)

“CEU has not accepted students into its Hungarian-accredited degree programs for several years, and the last students enrolled in such programs will graduate in July 2024. Therefore, CEU does not meet the conditions of a university in Budapest, and as such, our Board of Trustees has decided to initiate the closing of our Hungarian university entity, Közép-európai Egyetem, at the end of the academic year”


I think George Soros made a huge mistake giving the leadership of the “Open Society” foundation to a son who has not been accomplish anything in the last years and closed down almost all of the activities of the foundation in Europe.

June 7, 2024 21:43

Support for Peter Magyar new party comes from

70% 2022 opposition voters ,
9% 2022 Fidesz voters,
7% 2022 MiHazank voters,
14% who did not vote in 2022.


June 7, 2024 23:08
June 7, 2024 23:47

Putin threatened Europe today.

‘Russia and US have early warning systems detecting nuclear missiles. Europe does not have such thing. So Europe is practically defenseless’

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 8, 2024 22:42
Reply to  tappanch

It’s not as simple as Putin presents it. Neither the USA or Russia would have sufficient time to move even just our. top leaders to nuclear bunkers if an attack was initiated from submarines off each others coasts.

When I was a Reserve Officer at the Rock Island Arsenal in central Illinois we could only get the highest ranking officers into the bunkers within 15 minutes based on timed practices.

If an attack is anticipated using the US DEFCON system (defense readiness condition) it’s different but a sneak attack from sub launched nukes is not defendable. Putin and Biden most likely won’t make their bunkers. Putin is a mad man. Clearly
his own military is giving him some very optimistic survival projections or he is lying to his public.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 9, 2024 14:33

In this article (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/
2024/04/29/the-frighteningly-fast-path-to-nuclear-armageddon-00154591#:~:text=Submarines can sneak up, and,any target after 10 minutes.) The author of the US Best selling book Nuclear War: A Scenario discusses how a submarine launched nuke could very likely hit any target inside the USA within 10 minutes.

Those of us serving at US arsenals were aware of that possibility years ago. The author of that book is quoted on a sub launched nuclear attack on the USA as follows:

“Submarines can sneak up, and have snuck up, within just a few hundred miles of both the East and the West Coast of the United States of America. I’m talking about Russian and Chinese submarines, meaning if they were to launch ballistic missiles, they would arrive at any target after 10 minutes. This is not me speculating. A very rare document that I reproduced in the book was in a 2021 Defense Department budget request to Congress. That’s where a map comes from that shows us just how close those submarines get.”

June 8, 2024 09:59

Orbanistan is getting funnier in a way every day.
The official news Hungary today has a long report on Trump jr visiting Budapest next week – but not yet anything at all on the Budapest mayor elections!
And then I read about “Hungary getting nearer to the USA” because there’s a direct flight now to New York from Bucharest – sic???
Well I remember that 15 years ago there was a direct connection to New York from Budapest with American Airlines. We used that for our holiday abd it was relatively cheap, but now?
I wonder how all those US right wing fans of O1G get to Bp on their visits, which connections do thy use?

June 8, 2024 18:50

I was at Peter Magyar’s demonstration today. Well organized, good music started an hour before the official start, Magyar is a good orator.

I liked when he talked against the corruption by the Orban mafia, but I cannot forget he was part of this regime for 13 years.

Today was the first hot day in Budapest – many people fainted in the crowd. I went there early, so I enjoyed a shady place.

June 8, 2024 19:01
Reply to  tappanch

The crowd:

June 9, 2024 07:34
Reply to  tappanch

I do not trust him. If you read his interview in the 24.hu, he contradicts himself several times. Talking about poverty in the country which he was not aware of?? Being rich, but getting the state money for his summerhouse?? Telling the opposition is against Hungary in Brussels if they prevent the NER steals more money?? Promising minimum retirement money and the return of the kata in an EP and local election?? Normally I go to every demonstration against the regime if possible. I was at Magyar’s big demonstration too. But just because he is talking against the Viktor is not enough for me.
He goes ad hominem all the time, being just the same as the regime. Hungarians seem to think that this is politics, I guess.
And he is lucky to be there at the time of the year when Hungarians like to demonstrate, nice weather, no holidays yet, etc.
When it is cold and necessary to be on the streets, they hide behind their windows with a házi készítésű palinka.
I hope he will not be a disappointment, but until I know how he deals with the power he gets; I will not vote for him.

Last edited 4 months ago by Jan
June 9, 2024 09:28
Reply to  Jan

I agree*, will also be interesting to see how and whether he plans to cooperate with the other opposition parties and how he solves the “Gyurcsány problem”
*I agree that I’m not willing to vote for him at the moment

Last edited 4 months ago by Pantanifan
June 9, 2024 09:01

Did you know that 127,000 people can also vote in the EU election
#1 they are Hungarian citizens and
#2 they do not have a Hungarian address (but they can live in HU) and
#3 they do not have an address in the other 26 EU countries (but they can live there)

This means
67,000 Serbian voters.
18,000 Ukrainian voters
35,000 voters from an undisclosed location

53,000 of the 127,000 have already voted by June 9.





I can see a contradiction already.

Külképviseleti névjegyzékbe vett választópolgárok száma: 21 458 (registered)



Külképviseleten leadott (before 07:32 on June 9) 48 246 (already voted)



June 9, 2024 14:14

Did you know – and do Fidesz fans know this about the Bp mayor election?
Now Orban supports an “independent” gay Jewish candidate, David Vitezy. Vitezy has connections to the Orban-clan, and indirectly, by marriage, even related to Orban.
Vitezy’s campaign was financed by his friend, another gay Jewish politician in Green colors, Peter Ungar. Ungar is the son of billionaire widow and Fidesz favorite “historian”, Maria Schmidt. Hungarian politics are somewhat incestuous….
George Lazar’s facebook site

June 9, 2024 15:29

How many eligible voters exist ?

It depends:

EP elections:

Jun 09, 7:30 AM
7587886+67458+21458+126753   = 7,803,555
7672167+4635+      126753    = 7,803,555



Jun 09:
7676893 +4710+      127234   = 7,808,837


Jun 09, 3PM:
3310686+4563578 = 7,874,264


Local elections:

Jun 09, 7:30 AM
7677142 + 137201 + 35928 = 7,850,271
7806920 + 43351       = 7,850,271



Jun 09:
7676893 + 137199 + 35928 = 7,850,020


Jun 09, 3 PM
3310686+4563578 = 7,874,264


June 9, 2024 19:04

Peter Magyar:

‘My party opposes weapons to Ukraine. Because there are still some 100,000 ethnic Hungarians in Carpatho-Ukraine and they have not been bombed yet.’

June 9, 2024 23:25
Reply to  tappanch

another “Kampfhähne” in “Friedenstaube” dress

June 9, 2024 21:08

Only 10% of the votes are counted in Budapest after 3 hours of counting.

What is going on?

June 9, 2024 21:42
Reply to  tappanch

Almost 4 hours of counting

Results from district
01: 0%
03: 11%
17: 89%
16: 90%

How come?

June 9, 2024 21:45
Reply to  tappanch

The opposition was split into 3 in Miskolc.

Fidesz got 40% of the vote and won.

June 9, 2024 22:47
Reply to  tappanch

Budapest district mayor & large town races:

very few changes vs 2019.

Fidesz lost district 12, kept districts 05, 16, 17, 22

Fidesz mayor in district 21 (Csepel) turned against Fidesz and won again.

June 9, 2024 23:36
Reply to  tappanch

Fidesz will retake the royal castle district

(the difference is 400 votes now. Remember the 800 Venezuelans with fictitious address, who are likely Fidesz voters, see above)

June 9, 2024 23:29

In the European Parliament (2019-2024) Momentum and DK represented the opposition against Orban’s foreign policy.

Fidesz = 13 MEPs
DK+Momentum+MSzP+Jobbik = 4+2+1+1 = 8 MEPs

Peter Magyar agrees with Orban in lots of foreign policy issues:

Fidesz + Magyar + MiHazank = 11+7+1 = 19 MEPs
DK = 2 MEPs

June 9, 2024 23:45

Orban is happy in his night speech:

He “got rid of the”
Momentum party in the European Parliament
and possibly
the opposition mayor of Budapest

June 9, 2024 23:48
Reply to  tappanch

At 82.94% of precincts processed:

mayor Karacsony 47.36%
Vitezy: 47.51%

June 10, 2024 06:16

The election results are as expected. The Hungarian people moved more to the extreme right spectrum of politics. In the EP only 2 seats from Hungary to oppose the corruption with tax money of other countries. Karacsony has to deal with a right-wing majority in the parliament of Budapest.
We will see what role the Tisza party will play. I am not optimistic.

June 10, 2024 06:29

Results. European Parliament.

Embassy votes: all, 18,661 to be counted


Mail-in votes mostly from Serbia and Ukraine: 16,962 more to be counted.
26,166 already tabulated:

Fidesz: 93.35% (24,427)
Tisza: 2.70% (706)

MiHazank: 1.54% (402)
Dog party: 0.71% (185)
Momentum: 0.51% (133)
DK+MSzP: 0.44% (115)
LMP: 0.21% ( 54)


Regular votes cast in Hungary
4490936 = 4517102-26166 tabulated

Fidesz: 1,990,725 = 2015152-24427 (44.32%) ———> 11 MEPs
Tisza: 1,340,546 = 1341252- 706 (29.85%) ———> 7 MEPs

DK+MSzP:  365,929 = 366044-115 ( 8.15%) ———> 2 MEPs
MiHazank: 304,761 = 305163-402 ( 6.79%) ———> 1 MEP

Momentum: 166,300= 166433-133 ( 3.70%)
Dog Party: 161,605= 161790-185 ( 3.60%)

Jobbik: 45267= 45310-43 (1.01%)
LMP: 39366= 39420-54 (0.88%)


Total result = #1 + #2 + #3

June 10, 2024 06:50

Budapest, 100% tabulated (before recount)

Karacsony: 371,465 (47.53%) [support from DK+MSzP+Momentum]
Vitezy: 371,141 (47.49%) [support from Fidesz + Vitezy]
Grundtner: 38,941 ( 4.98%) [support from MiHazank]

Budapest Assembly:

Fidesz 28.69% (227.284) ——-> 10 seats
Tisza: 27.34% (216,608)——-> 10 seats

DK+MSzP: 16.62% (131,695)——-> 6 seats
Vitezy: 10.15% ( 80,401)——-> 3 seats

Dog party: 7.89% ( 62,540)——-> 3 seats
Momentum: 4.98% (39,470)——-> NO seats
MiHazank: 3.81% (30,207)——-> 0 seats


June 10, 2024 07:27
Reply to  tappanch

European Parliament votes in Budapest:

Fidesz 33.12% (264,877)
Tisza:32.81% (262,393)

DK+MSzP: 12.30% ( 98,348)
Momentum: 7.89% ( 63,081)

Dog party: 5.92% ( 47,370)
MiHazank: 4.46% (35,675)
LMP: 1.39% (11,089)

Valid votes: 799,809


June 10, 2024 07:38
Reply to  tappanch

Karácsony won by 324 votes in Budapest. Before any results were released and after the polls had closed Bayer Zsolt (Fidesz founder and foul-mouthed “journalist”) claimed that Karácsony had won by a “cipőkanál” (shoehorn), how did he know?

June 10, 2024 20:26
Reply to  tappanch

Mayoral race – voters by party preference

comment image

comment image


June 10, 2024 09:42

Though the EU parliament will have more right wing members not all is lost.
The extreme right won mainly in old undemocratic former “communist” parts like Hungary and East Germany but the end results are surely not what they expected.
So there still is hope for the EU. Fideszniks are probably very disappointed.
Fun fact:
Volt which is for the EU as a real uniob state won around 3% so they’ll have at least one German representattive.

June 10, 2024 11:27

The small Nyíradony (5871 voters) did not vote voted for for the Fidesz candidate for mayor, voted for an independent .(50.6% to 37.3%)


Orban’s viceroy (might be a bad translation for kiskirály) threatens the population after the election:

“You should be treated according to your vote”


June 10, 2024 11:58

For Weber only being anti-Viktor seems to be enough.
Magyar said he does not want to send weapons to Ukraine and said that the now ex-opposition damaged Hungary by agreeing to stop paying EU money.
If there will be membership for the Tisza party in the EPP, I wonder if Magyar will start to talk with two tongues, one for Brussels and one for Hungary. Membership would show again that people like Weber are not interested in governing but in power.
Manfred Weber spoke to Péter Magyar and is happy that the Tisza Party wants to join (nepszava.hu)

June 10, 2024 12:41

The election is not over ….

4003 new Fidesz mail-in votes were dropped off on June 10 !
(Is it legal? If nobody notices and objects – it is)

2835 arrived at the headquarters of the election commission NVI (= 3542-707)
1058 at embassies or consulates
110 at a Hungarian election district


June 10, 2024 17:47
Reply to  tappanch

And another 7,777 (yes) “mail-in” EP ballots were dropped off for Fidesz at the embassies/consulates in the afternoon of June 10.

NVI  + Külképviselet  + OEVK-székhely

18:56, June 9:
2024. június 9. :   707   +    0   +       0  

12:57, June 10
2024. június 9. :  3542   +   0 +  0  
2024. június 10. :  0   +   1008  + 110 


18:29, June 10
2024. június 9. :  3542   +   0 +  0   
2024. június 10. :  0      + 8488 +  297 


June 10, 2024 17:53
Reply to  tappanch

By the way, the mail-in votes should have arrived by 7 PM on June 9.

June 10, 2024 18:09

Preparation for the 2026 election.

30,307 ethnic Germans voted for the single (pro-Fidesz) list. It will likely result in an extra seat for Fidesz in 2026.

EMNOSz 100,00% (30 307)

(votes for a regular party-list seat = 4* votes for an ethnic seat)


There was some competition for the Roma seat (In 2022, Fidesz took away the Roma seat, because it would not have gone to a fidesznik)

CiKoSz: 74,21% (68 374)
RPM BAZ megye: 25,79% (23 767)


June 12, 2024 18:02
Reply to  tappanch

Fidesz cheated in the Roma election to make sure that its candidate party CiKöSz get the majority of the vote.

This means that there is a good chance that Fidesz will get two MP seats (Roma and German) consuming only 1/4 of votes in 2026.


June 12, 2024 18:39
Reply to  tappanch

The number of Gypsy votes have changed after the election (how? how?)

June 12, 7:04 PM

CiKöSz (pro-Orban) 75,254
RPM BAZ megye: 25,903

Invalid votes: 25,484 (25.19%)

Did not vote: 129,653

June 10, 2024 19:49

Can you call Orbanistan a democracy?
The 44.6% of votes would give Fidesz a two thirds majority in the Hun parliament – really crazy election laws!
Luckily with the EP’s election laws the extreme right wing only gets what it earned – around a fourth of the seats.
So they are not as relevant as they believe.

June 10, 2024 20:42
Reply to  wolf

Hi wolfi,

The umpteen times modified Orbanesque electoral laws are very arcane – giving ample opportunity for cheating by the regime, if needed.

As I calculated above (June 10, 2024 06:29),
the Fidesz EP result in the domestic arena was actually

They are pumping the Fidesz result up to 45% with 50,000 and increasing Serbian mail-in votes. (There is nothing to prevent even dead people to vote this way)

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
June 11, 2024 00:12
Reply to  tappanch

we can call it anything from expected to ridiculous,
but whatever the far right is able to agree on, will have more weight.

June 11, 2024 10:10

This goes through every news outlet, from the extreme right to the left.
Telex: Rónai Egon addig kérdezgette Magyar Pétert, hogy miért panaszkodik az ATV-re, hogy a politikus másfél perc után kisétált az Egyenes Beszédből
The most links you get in this article from 24.hu
Election 2024: Peter Magyar started listing ATV employees | 24.hu
It is worth to see the interview.

June 11, 2024 13:24

Orban’s former undersecretary and distant family member, “independent” Vitezy does not accept the result of the Budapest mayoral election. He wants a new recount. (The ballots were counted twice just after the election)


June 11, 2024 22:46
Reply to  tappanch

Danger, danger !!

Trump told Georgia officials on January 2, 2021:

“All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.”


Orban has to find only 325 = 324+1 votes to change the result of the Budapest mayoral race.

In the European parliament ballots, they are finding new votes – either declaring previously invalid votes as valid or other ways.

Fidesz votes

domestic := all “mail-in” (mostly from Serbia)

June 10, 2024 at 06:29

1,990,725 = 2015152 – 24427

June 11. 2024 at 22:27:49

1,991,610 = 2042231 – 50621

So the Election authorities have silently found 885 additional domestic Fidesz votes for the European Parliament.

But voters stuffed European ballots and local government ballots in the same envelope and then to placed the envelop into the urn !


I can see a similar phenomenon in the counting of the “mail-in” votes. More and more ballots are coming in, but the number of invalid ballots have actually gone down !

June 12, 2024 14:43

This is how Fidesy wants to take the Budapest mayor position with Vitezy:

The official Fidesz candidate Szentkiralyi withdrew only 2 days before the election.
The local committees crossed her name with a black line. This line was more or less visible.

At the same time, Peter Magyar encouraged his supporters to make invalid ballots in the Budapest mayoral race.

Vitezy falsely claims that the voters who invalidated their ballots by ticking both his name and Szentkiralyi’s name actually voted for him, so these invalid votes should be counted as his.


Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
June 12, 2024 17:03

Team Trump over here is preparing to do much the same as Orban in terms of electoral corruption. Happily we are in Colorado in a rented house getting ready for our daughter’s wedding.

She drove us into Wyoming not far from Cheyenne to one of the US nuclear missile silos and later to a museum on Francis E. Warren Air Force Base. Much to our surprise the Air Force was changing crews at the missile site and had the road blocked with a full combat Air Force team in their gear including M16s. Our daughter had her military IDs on her and I had my retired officers ID too which they checked, scanned, and apparently had verified.

They explained to us politely that crew changes were a potential danger for security so exceptional measures were always taken.

We were asked not to use our cell phones or take photos of any kind. The missile site just looks like a farm house and the hatch for the missile to emerge from looks like a big covered well. But the Russians, Chinese, and others apparently know better.