September 1, 2024

The second world war started 85 years ago…

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Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 1, 2024 02:04

So true and in these times, we face a scenario which, in many ways, resembles 1939.
The lines are drawn and both sides have a view on the roles of aggressive and defensive actions that leaves little doubt about the rightiousness of war.
Questions about whether Putin simply copied Hitler’s “Polish aggression” trick on Ukraine and the resulting war, seem too late, by now.
It’s a difficult and potentially disasterous course to persue, for all involved parties..

Last edited 15 days ago by Michael Detreköy
September 1, 2024 09:13

But this time it’s different!
Hitler invaded/annexed several states before a reaction from “peace fans” like Chamberlain.
Maybe I wrote about this before:
My father came from Danzig (now Polish Gdansk) and was just a sergeant in Hitler’s army but in early 1939 he realised that something would happen. So he asked that lovely blonde Schwab girl to become his wife but because of the situation in Europe they would not have children, he was afraid that he might have to leave into the war
When the catholic city priest heard about this he visited my mother’s mother and told her that she should not give her daughter to a heretic – my father grew up a protestant.
Grandma shut the door in his face, she and my mother never went to church anymore, my father mayne twice a year..
And in early 1942 while serving as a lieutenant at the Russian front he knew that Germany would lose the war and he might not survive so they agreed in getting my mother a souvenir and I was born in spring 1943.
He surely would not have returned alive like my uncle who disappeared near Stalingrad but in 1944 he was badly wounded so he could return.

September 2, 2024 10:28

A very long article based on a speech by Viktor:
Maybe someone can find the time to anylyze this – policies against the EU and the USA, back to the Middle Ages when heretics, witches and gays were burned alive and …
I wonder who wrote this all?

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 3, 2024 03:18
Reply to  Wolf

It’s not worth the time, to decipher Orbán’s rant.
He’s running against everything non-dictatorial.
Having only close friends/allies on the extreme side of governing, he doesn’t have any place in the democratic world to address, except the extremists in the west, who might be able to help secure his organisation’s investments and money laundering in Brit/Commonwealth tax havens.

September 2, 2024 10:44

Fidesz seems to be very happy with the results of the local elections in East Germany, especially Thuringen where their loved AfD are he strongest party now.
Why does this remind me of the year 1930?
Because at that time the NSDAP become part of the local government after elections – in Thuringia …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 4, 2024 00:34
Reply to  Wolf

Fortunately, Germany has had a stable development toward democracy, after the war.
A state of open discussion is in force and (not least) a higher level of education of the general population is evident.
Höcke (with the strangely foreign Vorname) is a challenge that should be within containment.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 4, 2024 00:39

By “strangely foreign”, I mean that the Danish/Baltic borders separate it (liguistically and culturally) from continental German culture.
By “strangely foreign”, I mean that the Danish/Baltic borders separate it (liguistically and culturally) from continental German culture. A geo/demo-graphic circumstance Bismark’s “Great Prussia” idiom had a historically problematic relationship with and Hitler never could figure out.

Last edited 12 days ago by Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 4, 2024 23:54

One more school shooting incident in the US.
A moment to ponder whether disarming the American public space is relevant – or not.
Question: When does gun-freedom become a problem that requires hard limiting? Most countries have clear stances on that, based on experience..
Is the US prepared for gradually adopting Mexican conditions, or do they think it somehow solves itself?
A society where many people think that armed civilians is a solution to security issues, has to accept random shootings and high death/invalidity rates as a common risk factor. Where is the limit?
Europe watches.

Istvan Chicago
Istvan Chicago
September 9, 2024 22:01

It will not happen at the Federal level covering all states (due to the 2nd Amendment which will not be removed in my lifetime) and municipalities or in the State of Texas specifically where the school shooting took place. Schools here accept preparation for mass shootings as the new normal and have drills and auto locking doors that are in some schools bullet proof.

Mexico actually has pretty strong gun control laws similar to Europe. They are not enforced on the drug cartels and gangs due to what can be called a dual power situation in many areas of Mexico. The Mexican police are in some areas part of the cartels, so now it’s the Mexican army in armored cars taking on the cartels. Occasionally in Chicago I see Latin American or Mexican drug gang members who often are covered with gang identifiable tattoos on their faces or necks. Really they are chilling and they look you in the eyes as if to say I could kill you now if I wanted to. Even the Black street gangs are intimidated by them when their paths do cross.

Chicago is in the State of Illinois and we have adopted a ban on the sale of assault rifles and hand guns with larger capacity magazines over 10 rounds.

There are numerous shootings here still weekly with Austrian made Glock hand guns that are modified to shoot full automatic very easily and have aftermarket magazines that can hold 30 rounds. And other handguns that are not modified. The law change here has not impacted the killings, last week we had four people kill on a public transit train. (See Those killings were not even international news.

Of course these modified Glocks actually have an international market too.. As our situation here in the USA deteriorates and the impact of global warming are creating evermore wildfires more guns are being purchased in the USA to prepare for worse case scenarios.

Mexico is losing farm land due to its warming and the drug trade is seen as a viable way to survive. I have 14 of my own legally owned guns in gun vaults in our basement and additional guns at our country home in Wisconsin.

Both my wife and I have permits to carry concealed handguns in Illinois. We rarely do so anymore because street robbers and car jackers in Chicago come at you with crews of three or more armed in some cases with full automatic hand guns. If you draw your weapon you are dead. So why bother to attempt self defense?

September 10, 2024 07:34
Reply to  Istvan Chicago

Re school shootings:
Now I understand why the Repugs are against abortions. They need more children as targets for the shootings …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 10, 2024 21:58
Reply to  Wolf

You are ironic, I suppose.

September 11, 2024 08:39

With people like Trump you never know …
I’m just reading about the discussion last night, maybe wasn’t too good for him – and now another cat lady came out …
Taylor Swift supports Mrs Harris.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 11, 2024 18:06
Reply to  Wolf

According to most European observers that I read (except Orbánites and Farage followers)
Harris came out fairly on top, at times making Trump look like the ageing and obsessive “one trick pony” that he is.
Of course that’s what his followers love to see and hear, so it doesn’t really jeopardize his standing with the cult.

Last edited 5 days ago by Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 10, 2024 21:35
Reply to  Istvan Chicago

What you tell sounds very troublesome.

Back in the day, I had relatives in Cleveland, a grand-uncle and his son, my dad’s cousin. The old uncle was a highly decorated, retired General Colonel of the Hungarian army and his son, a Major Lieutenant in a tank battalion (both 2nd Army). They were serious army people and “Big Hungarians”.

The older uncle became part commander of an invading and occupying force in ’41, based in Zalau (Zilah) in Romania (taking 2-300 local Jews for forced labor and services), which operated far into Ukraine. They were basically fighting partisans and armed civilians, since the Russians quickly withdrew and formed elsewhere. According to him, discipline was the biggest challenge and lenghty court-Martial, the order of the day.
The 2n’d Army withdrew from Ukraine and Romania in late ’44 and he ended his Army tenure in Scandinavia (in charge of a “rag Army” of app. 30.000 mixed Hungarian troops, only waiting for the war to end).
Following the formal surrender in May 45, came POW status and allocation to an Allied facility in Hilversum (Holland), where he stayed until late’56.
His (my dad’s cousin) son fell captive in Soviet Russia and spent 8 years in camps, but returned to Hungary after as the result of a deal of sorts, after Stalin had died.
Together, they came to he US in late ’56, after a life of war and conflict .
And what was the first thing they noticed there? “A society where terrorists and anyone else can arm themselves as they want, without any control!”

Last edited 5 days ago by Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 11, 2024 21:28
Reply to  Istvan Chicago

Mexico resembles Albania in many ways, just not geographycally, but the drug economy far outplays the State economy.

Istvan Chicago
Istvan Chicago
September 12, 2024 23:06

Yes that is true, and both of those nations are in deep trouble. The EU would be wise not to admit Albania too fast.

September 13, 2024 06:42
Reply to  Istvan Chicago

Imho Albania, Serbia etc have no chance right now to get into the EU – as long as they are so friendly with the Fidesz Fascists.
No sane EU politician wants another Orbanistan which might veto important stuff etc …

Istvan Chicago
Istvan Chicago
September 13, 2024 00:23

I will be in Mexico at the end of October for the Mexico Grand Prix. But that event is highly controlled and policed. Basically I fly in and go to Downtown Mexico City for our hotel and go by shuttle bus to the race.

So I expect really no problems. It’s similar for big events in Chicago, like the Democratic National Convention.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 14, 2024 16:18
Reply to  Istvan Chicago

Well, that ought to be quite an event for seeing the top technology in action.
Back in the day, I enjoyed go-kart racing a lot. It suited my economy and home-mechanical skills just right and really honed my basic driving skills quite a bit.
A lot of fun and the feeling of extreme speed and close race was very authentic (much more than in modified standard cars) although the power of a 250cc engine is very limited. Especially, wet conditions gave an extra shot of adrenalin, with spins and frequent loss of grip and sight along the course.

Last edited 2 days ago by Michael Detreköy
September 5, 2024 15:01

The ruling party is going to re-gerrymander the electoral districts before the end of the year.

September 6, 2024 09:01

comment image

This chateau cum park was recently renovated from 3.2 billion forints (1.7 billion came from European taxpayers, 1.5 billion from Hungarian taxpayers)

If you are Orban’s or minister Lazar’s friend, you can get this (or another 7 in 2024) for free.

September 8, 2024 17:00

I wonder if any Fideszniks were in Düsseldorf yesterday – Hungary lost the football match against Germany
0 : 5

September 9, 2024 15:16

Kind of funny:
A n article whining about the way Hungary and its “National card for Russian Spies” is treated by politicians and media in the EU.
The last sentence:
And that is how the democracy works in the European Union today: facts are only an inconvenient distraction while you have a voting majority.
Now if you exchange hre EU with Hungary?
That really nicely describes it …
And don’t forget:
We’re only in it for the money!

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 15, 2024 19:06

Could we agree on Trump being an absolute nut gone power freak, besides being a limitless fantasist and habitual liar/show-off character?

Why Orbán want’s to associate with him, must be a question of cheap foreign exposure and leeching on Trump’s former status. What else is there to gain from that relation?

The Hungarian, turning presidency of the EU, is a complete failure at this point.
If Orbán ever want’s to speak with EU authority, he has to come clear with Europe.
That will not happen as long as he only carries out his own policies on behalf of the country.

Meanwhile, the EU money flowing to Hungary and the money from Hungarians working in EU keep Orbán afloat – Believe it or not!

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 15, 2024 21:06

Would it be possible that the immediate reporting of gunshots at Trump property could turn gun legisation in the US towards less armament of the general public?

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
September 15, 2024 21:48

Intrusive bullets are becoming part of “the Donald’s” life.
How will he adapt? – Biblical or realistic?
Has he the brains to stop what he started in US politics?

Last edited 22 hours ago by Michael Detreköy
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