July 15, 2024

Trump’s Iwo Jima.

July 1, 2024

The popular vote in the first round of French election: RN+ LR-RN : Le Penists + part of Les Republicains defecting to Le Pen (including Ciotti): 33.15% remaining Les Republicains: 6.57% + other right wing: 3.66% + Reconquête 0.75% Ensemble: Macronists: 20.83% + other centrists 1.22% Nouveau Front populaire (of which cca 10% Melenchon): 27.99% […]

June 1, 2024

May 15, 2024

The Russian troops are ten to fifteen kilometers from the Kharkiv beltway…

April 1, 2024

Idus Martiae

Excerpts from the March 14 speech by US Ambassador Pressman: “We cannot ignore it when the Speaker of Hungary’s National Assembly asserts that Putin’s war in Ukraine is actually “led by the United States.” We cannot ignore a sitting minister referring to the United States as a corpse whose nails continue to grow.  We can […]