November 1st, 2023

  • November 1, 2023
  • István
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November 1, 2023 20:00

O1G went to Kazakhstan to join the other …
At the summit, representatives of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary, Turkiye, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will discuss “political and economic developments within and outside the [Turkic] region”
So at last he can be boss of Turkije too (as Trump declared) and Orbanistan will leave the darn EUSSR, wonderful – everybody will be happy!

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 1, 2023 21:10
Reply to  wolf

I wonder what turned the traditional, historic Hungarian attitude to the Turkic world 180 degrees.
Could it be deep fear of non-White Muslim immigration?
Perhaps he hopes to gain a little influence on the flow of Eastern migration via Turkey, through participation.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael Detreköy
November 1, 2023 21:41
Reply to  wolf

Another source claims that French presidenr Macron is alo visiting???
Sounds interesting.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 1, 2023 22:00
Reply to  wolf

Sounds more like Macron fronts a French trade-program..
The article cites French interests in buying oil and uranium in Kazakhstan and building a nuclear power -plant in return.

November 4, 2023 12:46

Fascists unite!
A kind of crazy interview with a Czech politician – reminds me strongly of Orbanistan.
You know the usual points:
nations, family, religion, dollar left – and of course:
Almost funny …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 4, 2023 16:32
Reply to  wolf

Again, attributing these featured stories to craziness, media freedom notwithstanding, shows how badly the old EU underestimates the rooted nature of East European commitment to old-school conservative values.

November 4, 2023 20:41

Michael, two points:
There are similar “conservatives” in the West – just look at the almost 20% of Germans voting AfD.
And on the other hand most Hungarians I know (especially my wife’s family and friends” are liberal/leftist/anti-Orbanites.
But you are right:
In East Germany AfD gets much more votes than in the West – are these memories from “communist” times?

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 4, 2023 21:57
Reply to  wolf

Good question!
I think we have to look at the post ww1 era, for the formation of the presently revived national conservative mentality. Poland makes a more recent case, but I believe the foundation was laid during the first 20 years of the last century.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 5, 2023 21:03
Reply to  wolf

A good rule of thumb, about understanding things that happen now, is to look at the preceding time and events, and what happened.
All relevant information is, at most levels, accessible.
You have to look for the seed that germinated and grew to become the tree you see today.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 9, 2023 20:56

We have grown accustomed to Hungarian govt. politics, as a personal instrument for Viktor Orbán’s relentless hustling activities on the far-right nationalist front.
But appearently, the Hustler-In-Chief sees an opportunity in muscling in on alien turf.
Whatever that action entrails, it most probably spells sorely bad news for anyone involved, should they be possessed by sincere, democratic intentions.
Kremlin-orders to expand the Putin Network in the EU-zone are fathfully implemented by the hustler.

Last edited 8 months ago by Michael Detreköy
November 12, 2023 13:53

… entrails is certainly the correct word here…

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 12, 2023 18:27
Reply to  Reader

Served with a passion for moral righteousness.

November 13, 2023 13:14


November 12, 2023 23:19

What a change at the Budapest airport in a few weeks !

The old signs are replaced everywhere with new, fresh signs in
Hungarian, English and CHINESE !!!

(No German, French or even Russian or Arabic signs)

This strongly suggests that the Orban government will act, with impending purchase of the airport as a CHINESE straw man.

November 12, 2023 23:21

Re: the joyful history of Turkish – Hungarian friendship:

comment image

November 13, 2023 18:18

Does O1G really believe this?
If Soros is the new communist ruler then he is the new fascist leader – just like Putin.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
November 13, 2023 19:47
Reply to  wolf

Orban is deeply convinced that he knows everything and that everyone else has no idea. That’s why any critical voice is financially dried up, and if that’s not enough, he sends in the tax office, or his mates from the secret service, or the hooligans from the football club, or he makes a law. Then Orban talked about his “reality”, he said that the communists should fail, the Soviets should go, the founding of Századvég was a good idea, he went on to say that free life begins with free speech and free speech begins with free writing …

Well, communism went bankrupt and the walls came down, now the next bankruptcy vulture is coming.

… and I add that free writing begins with free thinking and free thinking begins with free education and so on and so forth.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
November 14, 2023 20:31
Reply to  wolf

All the faithfull, who regularly drink the KoolAid administered by Orbán, need to hear this kind of foggy nonsense, in order to make sense of what they are supposed to believe.
As a skilled cult-leader, Orbán knows that the faithfull only remain faithfull if he regularly confirms, that by focusing on his well-being and self proclaimed prowess, they might somehow stay clear of bad standing and also be ready to jump at any opportunity to please him.
The Orbán-cult has burned several bridges behind them at this point, one of which assures a safe return to current European values.
Ironically, the only things to guarrantee their immediate safety, are the EU and Nato memberships.
