2024.02.01. The last month of the first 12-month Roman calendar (except in a leap year)

  • January 31, 2024
  • tappanch

Until 45 BCE, from March to February, the length of the months was as follows

[current length if different]

MARTIVS= 31; APRILIS= 29 [30]; MAIVS= 31; IVNIVS= 29 [30];

QVINTILIS= 31; SEXTILIS= 29 [31]; SEPTEMBER= 29 [30]; OCTOBER= 31;

NOVEMBER= 29 [30]; DECEMBER= 29 [31];

IANVARIVS= 29 [31]; FEBRVARIVS= 28 or 23 [28 or 29];

INTERCALARIS= 0 or (27 or 28) [0 or 0]

Since (355*13 + 377*7 + 378*4)/24 = 365.25 = (365*3 + 366*1)/4 ,

the precision of this calendar was the same as that of the succeeding Julian calendar. IDES [NONES] was the 15th [7th] day in March, May, July, October, while in the other eight months it was 13th [5th] day. This persisted in the Julian calendar.

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February 1, 2024 03:07

The words of the only [hopefully] opposition candidate for President in Russia,
Boris Nadezhdin (pronounce: Nadyezhdyin)

Nadezhda means hope in Russian.

January 31, 2024.

“Dictatorships do not last for ever. Neither do dictators.

Many citizens of Russia and other countries, where the regime only pretends to be a democracy, are prone to lose faith in democratic changes. I am trying to bring back hope for them.

Let’s look at a historical example.”
[the Philippines]

“The future dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, first took the presidency not by seizing power, but in the election of 1965.
In 1969, he was even elected for a second term. The elections were held under the supervision of the military, with reports of bribery and threats to the voters.

Then Marcos, according to his words, executed a «democratic revolution»: he declared a state of emergency, canceled the old Constitution, and opposition citizens were arrested under different pretexts. He said his aim was to overcome poverty in the country.

His reign ended in 1986. In the presidential election, Corazon Aquino — the wife of a once-killed opposition leader was Marcos’s opponent. Marcos falsified the results and tried to declare himself the winner.

However, Aquino’s candidacy was supported by the army and the Catholic church.

[Remark: in Hungary, neither would support an opposition candidate]

From that year, a period of democratization began. A system of restraints and counterweights was introduced. She liberated the political prisoners. […]”


February 1, 2024 03:24
Reply to  tappanch

Interview on January 31 (you can turn on on-the-fly English subtitles)


February 1, 2024 03:35
Reply to  tappanch

Another interview he gave on this same day:


February 1, 2024 03:29
Reply to  tappanch

His election website and program:


February 1, 2024 04:42

“EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday (1 February) are likely to propose holding an annual debate on a planned €50 billion Ukraine aid package, but without the possibility of a yearly veto, in a bid to overcome opposition from Hungary, according to draft summit conclusions.”

“It remains unclear if Orbán, who will take part in Thursday’s summit, will agree to such a deal.
On Wednesday, Hungary’s EU ambassador told his counterparts Budapest still wanted the veto mechanism.”

“Should Orbán refuse to drop his veto on Thursday, and given that most EU countries have voiced their preference for a solution at EU27, including Hungary, EU diplomats have started to signal they are more willing to move towards a solution at EU26, outside the EU budget, to secure Ukraine funds.”

“Such an option would be more expensive complex, and more politically challenging, but still possible, using the same method the EU employed to pay out €18 billion to Kyiv in 2023, EU diplomats said.
This would require the remaining EU26 to set up two separate intergovernmental schemes to allow the bloc to transfer grants and loans to Ukraine for the rest of the period.”


Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 1, 2024 16:40

This article out of Ukraine a short while ago https://kyivindependent.com/breaking-ukraine-facility/ indicated Orban went along with the Ukrainian funding deal. But exactly what promises were made under the table by the commission to Orban are unknown.

We can all rest assured that the gypsy horse trader got something.

The Ukrainians in their newspapers have emphasized that without continuing funding from the USA the Ukrainians will not be able to maintain their defense positions and certainly will not have the resources to return to an offensive posture.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 1, 2024 16:54

The Russians were harsh on Orban today see https://www.rt.com/news/591658-eu-approves-ukraine-aid/
I personally doubt that these statements by the Russians are completely accurate when they write:

“ Under the terms of the deal agreed on Thursday, EU leaders will debate the implementation of the package annually, while the budget will be reviewed in two years. Speaking anonymously, multiple European diplomats told Politico that these measures were included to placate the Hungarian PM.

However, other anonymous officials said that Orban was given no concessions, and was pressured to accept that “there was no alternative than giving in on the money to Ukraine.”

I suspect that the deal cut by the commission with Orban will include letting up on criticism of authoritarian practices that effectively make Hungary not democratic. But only time will tell.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 1, 2024 17:09

On Orban’s Facebook page (in a video) he supposedly evaluated the decision taken at the extraordinary meeting of the European Council stating:
“We were afraid that the EU funds due to the Hungarians, which the Commission has not given us so far, would sooner or later end up in Ukraine. And we were also afraid that we would make resources available to Ukraine for too long and without control. And finally, we negotiated a control mechanism that guarantees the rational use of the money, and we received a guarantee that Hungary’s money cannot go to Ukraine.”

I suspect that explanation does not tell the whole story either.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 1, 2024 17:26

This Telex article https://telex.hu/kulfold/2024/02/01/az-unios-vezetok-megegyeztek-ukrajna-tamogatasarol provides additional information particularly in this passage:

“What did Viktor Orbán achieve?
According to the newspaper (the Guardian) , they conceded on two points. The European Commission will hold a review in two years, which will be voted on, but it will not be clear whether it is unanimous or with, for example, a qualified majority (where at least four member states are required to vote down a proposal). In addition, according to the spokesperson, the bargain also affected the rule of law conditionality mechanism, but the article does not reveal more than that.” (My translation)

The rule of law conditionality mechanism modification depending on its extent could be a big victory for Fidesz.

February 1, 2024 18:26

It seems O1G had to realise he must give in.
German media also report on this – not nice to the Hungarian ***expletive deleted***.
I’m wondering how he will explain this.

February 1, 2024 19:49

I’m not so sure that Orbán got anything:
European leaders expressed their frustration and anger with Orbán on the way into the summit. Asked what he would be saying to Orbán, the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, was short: “Nothing nice.”
By 11.30am some of the leaders were talking of going home early, furious that they had been dragged to Brussels only for Orbán to cave to pressure at the last minute.
Or as the German SPIEGEL writes:
Orbán the lonely
Reminds me of a song by one of my favourite singers:

Last edited 5 months ago by wolf
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 1, 2024 23:31
Reply to  wolf

According to most of the accounts from Brussels, Orbán found himself completely isolated, without room for discussion, facing only opposition and advice on shaping up. His last hope – Meloni – turned him down and put participation in the EP-group which she and Le Pen head (Orbán’s last possibility for regular EP agenda/voting
time), in jeopardy.
There’s complete failure for you! – a macho dictator losing big-time to two strong and cunning amazones!
That is nothing short of a significant and humiliating defeat in a forum where none of his dictator friends can help him out.
It’s probably not a hard sell at home, but, by all means, not a win and discussion will emerge.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 2, 2024 08:42
February 2, 2024 15:04

While one may not agree with her policies (I don’t), Meloni is a smart woman. Marine Le Pen is not, she is just an opportunist who changed her opinion on so many subjects so many times it’s hard to understand what she really stands for.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 2, 2024 16:59
Reply to  Theestampe

I agree with that observation. Unpredictability and lack of discipline may well be the things that keeps the far right from coordinating their politics effectively.I doubt if Meloni can manage that internationally, since she too has to deliver on her, narrowly national, Italian agenda.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 2, 2024 17:46

Every Euro Orban gets released by the commission is seen as a clever victory by Fidesz. In Magyar Nemzet last month they went on and on about the release of funds.

I think Putin knew that Orban can’t be trusted to consistently back Russia. Putin totally understands the nature of the Fidesz oligarchs.

Putin’s private critique of Orban I suspect is he is too soft on some of his own Fidesz oligarchs and wastes money buying their loyalty when it may be cheaper and more effective to send them to labor camps when necessary.

Putin would have either had Lajos Simicska killed by his agents or jailed. He certainly would have been allowed to become essentially a rich Hungarian living in the countryside on a farm driving around in his Land Rover (see https://www.direkt36.hu/en/hogyan-tartuk-fel-simicska-bukasanak-titkait/).

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 3, 2024 14:14

Actually, Orbán is doing what Putin must consider a great job of vital interst to the Russian position against Nato. Because by Orbán monkey-wrenching the Swedish membership procedure as far as he has by now, and working actively against support for Ukraine, Russia collects significant data on the potential weaknesses in the European part of the alliance (including dark horse Erdogan). That could be a strong prerequisite for assessment of where to eventually test the alliance with attacks that principally activate Article-5.
A US-command with Trump at the end of the table, would probably allow Putin enough margin for testing European Nato coherence on its own..

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 3, 2024 18:22
Reply to  wolf

wolf: “I’m not so sure that Orbán got anything”

To explain what happened in football language [the myghti lidur’s favoarite sport….]:

The chair of the EU summit asked “so everybody agrees with the package for Ukraine?”
OV: “N… N… N…”
Chair [meanwhile searching for the red card]: “Anything dictator?” 
OV: “Oh nothing, it’s OK…”
Chair: “OK decided, end of this match” and blowing his whistle… 

So what OV got was that he did NOT receive a red card, and that’s all!

February 3, 2024 18:24
Reply to  Ferenc

PS: I wish a cartoonist used above the above “football match” comparison…

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 3, 2024 20:37
Reply to  Ferenc

As always in football, the first passes into the zone of goal-scoring opportunity determine the chance of success against the defense.
A simple pictogram describes Orbán’s (two man) side’s passing-ability rather accurately.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 4, 2024 17:38
Reply to  Ferenc

to continue in football language:

If the myghti lidur would have sticked to his veto, and thus received a more-than-deserved red card, he would be out of “the match” and send into the locker room. 
There he would be of no use anymore to his Grandpa in his Bunker – so even seen from that point “Да – dа”, sorry “yes – igen” was the only left over answer OV could give… 

“Of course, the Bunkered-in-Grandpa’s 1-party-state-media had to play harsh on OV’s “decision”…

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 3, 2024 16:41

The self-proclaimed international protectors of the Christian faith in honor of the nation before the Pope Katalin Novak has pardoned an accomplice who had covered up the pedophile ex-director of the children’s home in Bicske.

February 4, 2024 14:18
Reply to  Don Kichote

disgusting behaviour by politicians who will do anything to protect their narrative – as the Pogues sang: May the judged be their judges when they rot down in hell

February 4, 2024 17:07
Reply to  Pantanifan


Listen to “May the judged be their judges when they rot down in hell”

Last edited 5 months ago by Ferenc
February 4, 2024 17:08
Reply to  Pantanifan

Note: the Birmingham Six case was slightly different,of course, being innocent and still scentenced to jail by false confessions
While in the Myghti Lidur’s “law system” his [!] guilty ones get pardonned by his “honourable” president…

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 4, 2024 19:07
Reply to  Pantanifan

“disgusting behaviour by politicians” well, there were also non-politicians involved Pantanifan.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 4, 2024 19:41

So I was sent a review copy prior to release of a most bizarre book “Hussar Cut: The Hungarian Strategy for Connectivity” by Balázs Orbán who is Political Director for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister of State to the Prime Minister’s Office.
The first thing I noticed was that the actual history of the slaughters experienced by the real Hungarian Hussars is missing. It seemed to me just reading various passages in the book is really similar to going to Hussar Museum in Sárvár which I have done.
One of my ancestors who came the earliest to the USA served in the Union Army’s 5th Missouri Cavalry, during the US civil war known as the Benton Hussars, wore sky blue uniforms with dark blue facings and chest braid. He was as an old man the sponsor for both my grandfather and great uncle who migrated to the US prior to World War I. I still have relatives in the greater St Louis area to this day.

Really there is zero discussion in Orban’s book of the the destruction of the Royal Hungarian Hussars (k.u. Husaren). The Austrian monarchy, weakened by losing the war against Prussia in 1866, had to effectively guarantee the autonomy of Kingdom of Hungary in the so-called Compromise of 15 March 1867. As a result, the Hungarian half of the Empire immediately began to establish its own army, the Royal Hungarian Landwehr (Hungarian: Magyar Királyi Honvédség). The cavalry of the Hungarian Landwehr was made up of the Landwehr Hussars. They had spectacular uniforms from their many regiments which seem to have numbered as many as 14 at the start of the war.

Out of over 2.2 million men mobilized in Austria-Hungary, more than one million died during the course of the war. The Hungarian Cavalry units were largely wiped out, and evolved into mounted infantry wearing more or less traditional Austro-Hungarian combat uniforms. In fact there were a number of insane Hussar charges during the combat early in WWI directly into Russian machine gun fire on the ground in Galicia. (Discussed in the book Fall of the double Eagle The Battle for Galicia and the demise of Austria-Hungary)

This book is truly strange and tries to create an antique Hungarian philosophy based on a fantasy of mounted warfare.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 4, 2024 20:38

Very strange indeed! Especially since the lesson that all the different armies, experiencing decimation in every confrontation with Prussian ground troops during the 1860’s learned (the hard way), was the schock of realizing the indisputible superiority of the Prussian rear-loaded, single cartridge Dreyse rifles.
That experience eventually motivated reformation of most north European armies’ weapons, but not the command structure in the field.
The old culture of “out-slaughtering” enemies by superiority in numbers went on through WW1.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 4, 2024 21:34

You can hardly tell the Führer race that it has always been superior in history if you allow for scientific opinion. The Ukrainians have already developed over 100 types of drones for various purposes. Something with a rider and a sabre was not among them.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 5, 2024 01:01
Reply to  Don Kichote

The Hussar tradition is an object of nostalgic, ceremonial celebration in European forces. Athough trained soldiers, not a battle-competent capacity by any means.
But horses and riders with sabers look impressive to the spectators.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 5, 2024 11:44

Balázs Orbán’s historical fabrication is probably meant to remind us of the “glorious” times of the Greater Hungary, just like the house of terror that reminds us of the few Hungarian heroes who helped Jews for money.

February 5, 2024 09:40

This Hussar discussion reminds me of a crazy story that happened three years ago in our neighbourhood (may have written about it before):
A clan leader died and there was a big remembering party going on for several days at his house with guests from allover the country – we even saw some big cars from Germany etc.
One day they brought his body back to his house in a long, long white Cadillac, then moved it to a coach driven by 4 white horses and accompanied by 4 Hussars in all their glory to the cemetery.
It looked so crazy that I had problems keeping from laughing like mad …
The funniest thing was that after the cavalcade disappeared to the cemetery one of the neighbours follwed wih a cart where he put all the horse sh*t – the best fertilizer he declared!

February 4, 2024 20:13

Several media (newsweek and politico e g) report that Tucker Carlson has been seen in Moscow this weekend.
Now there’s speculation about him interviewing Putin …

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 4, 2024 20:56
Reply to  wolf

And Putin is scheduled to visit Erdogan in Turkey “soon”.
A crack in the Nato alliance apperars to be widening.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 5, 2024 01:20

It seems very clear now, that Putin has a special agenda with Erdogan and Orbán: “Make a crack in the Nato alliance and let’s share the spoils”.
“Spoils” would be a division of Ukraine and/or a second scenario, where Russia attacks a bordering Nato member and finds that Nato-allies (such as Hungary and Turkey) won’t fullfill their obligation to defend the territory.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 5, 2024 03:13

Orbán plays a much more dangerous game than he thinks. Turkey can stand off most threats on its own, but Hungary stands nearly naked.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 6, 2024 18:55

The big problem with Turkey is the fact the US has nuclear bombs there in bunkers.

Incirlik, a joint US-Turkish base, was established in the 1950s and effectively gave the US the ability to deploy nuclear weapons against the Red Army if the Soviets did ever attempt a conventional attack through Europe.

It has been reported the 50 nuclear weapons in Turkey are B61 gravity bombs – tactical nukes that can be dropped from US Air Force F-16 Strike Fighters or British Tornado fighters.

These are likely dial a yield bombs to be deployed by the U.S. 39th Air Base Wing. U.S. ThevAir Force (USAF) complement of about five thousand airmen at that base.

Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, just 70 miles from the Syrian border.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 6, 2024 18:35
Reply to  wolf

Supposedly Mr Carlson was seen coming out of Putin’s office. Also this story is all over the place https://news.yahoo.com/kremlin-cronies-putin-tucker-interview-155915854.html.

February 5, 2024 03:11

Here is the summary and the full text of Senate proposal for the smorgasbord called
“National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024”

Full text:


Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 5, 2024 03:19
Reply to  tappanch

Oh Dear! That’s some paper!

February 5, 2024 03:48
Reply to  tappanch

Big items:

Dept of Defense:

Assistance to Ukraine: $48.43 billion,
Assistance to Israel:  $11.8 billion,
Deterring the Chinese government: $2.58 billion,

Restoring U.S. Readiness, US operations, uranium, submarines: $43.61 billion


A: emergency food, shelter, and basic services to
populations suffering the impacts of a confluence of complex and protracted crises, including in
Ukraine, Gaza and the West Bank, East Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere: $9.2 billion
B: Western hemisphere: 0.85 billion.

 Direct budget support for Ukraine: $7.85 billion

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 6, 2024 14:24
Reply to  tappanch

Currently, this bill seems to be falling apart in the Republican caucus. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/05/republican-opposition-mounts-border-for-ukraine-deal/

One of the small group of US Senators that drafted the bill may not vote for it himself.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 7, 2024 03:32

The southern US border problem resembles the southern European border problem – But how many semi-radical Muslims come from South America?

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 7, 2024 10:30

The current difference:

US southern border: influx of 2.5 million people last financial year

European southern border: 1/10 of that number in 2023.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 7, 2024 15:13
Reply to  tappanch

At least here in Chicago it is a very evident issue.

This is due to the Stste of Texas bussing in migrants.

In higher income areas of Chicago they can be seen begging even at grocery stores even during snow storms.

February 7, 2024 10:35

Russian authorities are reportedly paying Iran roughly $4.5 billion per year to import Iranian Shahed drones to use in Ukraine.”

Russia pays $193,000 per Shahed-136 drone in batches of 6,000 drones, which would total about $1.1 billion for all 6,000 Shahed-136 drones.

Russia reportedly pays $1.4 million per unit for one type of Shahed-238 drone and plans to purchase 677 of these upgraded Shahed drones per year, which would total about $947 million.

 Another type of Shahed-238 reportedly cost about $900,000 per drone, and Russia reportedly plans to purchase 2,310 per year for just under $2.1 billion.

 The documents claimed that the reconnaissance and attack Shahed-107 drones cost $460,000 each and that Russia plans to purchase 2,310, which would total about $1.5 billion.

Russia is reportedly unfreezing North Korean assets and helping North Korea evade international sanctions in exchange for missiles and artillery ammunition for Russia to use in Ukraine.”


February 7, 2024 12:48

The European Union gives 1.8 billion euros to the Orban government in order to raise the salaries of the Hungarian teachers.


February 7, 2024 13:17

Seems that Tucker Carlson did interview Putin – now we’re waiting (not???) what wonderful news they shared.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 7, 2024 15:12
Reply to  wolf

That will be the first time since 2021 (when NBC interviewed Putin)
somebody from western media is allowed to interview Putin.
Let’s see if there are any critical questions.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 7, 2024 23:19

The funding bill for Ukraine attached to the border bill and a bill for military assistance to Israel all failed in the US Senate today.

February 8, 2024 19:22
Reply to  wolf

comment image

–OV again! Has himself glued down!
We’ll wait, till his ice is melted!

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 8, 2024 17:40

Reuters has an article out titled “US Senate to vote on $95 bln Ukraine, Israel aid bill after failed border deal.” Its behind a paywall so I could not link it.
But even if this funding passed the Senate as the article indicates there is opposition by Republicans in the US House of Representatives.

Trump may also support having Republicans vote on military aid for Israel but not for Ukraine. But Democrats have many internal political problems with just aid for Israel without the political cover of Ukraine given that many members of the Democratic Progressive caucus are opposed to all aid going to Israel without an immediate cease fire in Gaza.

The floor debates in Congress on these issues are very confusing and everyone seems to be trying to avoid losing supporters based on their comments. Much of the debates have been broadcast live on commercial TV here and not just on C-Span cable or internet links.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 8, 2024 18:18

I read this article by Zolt in Magyar Nemzet https://magyarnemzet.hu/velemeny/2024/02/marx-engels-lenin-hitler-1-resz a short while ago.
It was really babel and incoherent and his essay is nonsense in either Hungarian or in English translation. Zolt is now 60 years old so he likely studied Marxism Leninism while in college but likely was told by his grandfather Károly Gyimes to pay no attention whatsoever and drink more Palinka.

Gyimes whom Bayer once portrayed as someone who saved Jews during the Holocaust, was in fact an active member of the Arrow Cross Party before and during World War II, and later he was an informant for the Communist State Protection Authority. The criminals running Fidesz never cease to amaze me.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 8, 2024 19:59

Where is Bayer supposed to have learnt his hatred if his parents are so-called freedom fighters? https://hungarian.news/wordpress/index.php/2024/01/15/january-15-2024/#comment-6743

February 8, 2024 18:47

The countdown is running for Putin and Tucker Carlson:
Will the EU allow X to broadcast this?

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 8, 2024 19:49
Reply to  wolf

Tucker Carlson’s “interview” with Putin has caused quite a stir on the internet. In my opinion, Tucker’s comments cannot be described as news. The last “interview” with Trump was pure sycophancy.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 8, 2024 22:11
Reply to  Don Kichote

We know well that Carlson sells garbage in expensive wrapping.
The media world eats from his hand.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 8, 2024 23:20

The EU will have to give reasons if it wants to take legal action against this.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 8, 2024 23:51
Reply to  Don Kichote

I think any reasoning behind an EU effort to censor Carlson’s unhinged bullshit-spreading will be completely lost on his American audience.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 9, 2024 06:29
Reply to  Don Kichote

As it could be expected, Carlson lets Putin conduct his inverted ideology – The West is (mysteriously) responsible for his invasion and in spite of (imaginary) peace proposals, the West is responsible for the continued struggle.
We must assume that Ukraine has no say on the matter – or what?
That misinterpretation of events may well be kosher to a lot of Americans, who are too far away from the scene to know the difference.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 9, 2024 06:47

Carlson’s pitch.

February 8, 2024 19:58

I was listening to the US Supreme Court arguments today.

The Court will probably suppress the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to disqualify Trump on the ground that individual states cannot bar candidates from federal election.

I have NOT heard the historical argument from the advocate for Colorado that Lincoln was banned from the ballot in most slaveholder states at the 1860 election.

People were not allowed to vote for Lincoln in 9 states, namely in
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas !

(His results in other slaveholder states:
Delaware: 23.7%, Maryland: 2.5%, Virginia: 1.1%, Kentucky: 0.9%, Missouri: 10.3%, )

He still won the US electoral vote.

(On the other hand, Southern Democrat Breckinridge was not on the ballot in 4 states, in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island).

So there is precedent that candidates are not on the ballot in certain states.

February 9, 2024 08:17

German media are reporting on F*cker Carlson and Putin – the biggest idiocy we’ve ever seen!
Now if someone were to talk to me about this I’d tell them:
OK, I’ll invade your ground, take half of your belongings, kill your son and rape your daughter – not sure about your wife yet …
Then I’d settle down in your house and we can talk about living in peace there.

Last edited 5 months ago by wolf
February 9, 2024 11:37

Carlson even asked about if Putin offered Tancsapatai to the Viktor. He said no, but tells that the Hungarian minority there is longing for a “Wiedervereinigung”.
Telex: Carlson Putyinnak: Mondta valaha Orbánnak, hogy elviheti Ukrajna egy részét?
This is a nice fact check about foreign help to Ukraine.
Fact Sheet: US Assistance to Ukraine | Institute for the Study of War (understandingwar.org)

February 9, 2024 13:33
Reply to  Jan

Putin is desperate to split Poland and Romania from supporting Ukraine.

“And after World War II, Ukraine received not only the pre-war Polish territories – today’s Western Ukraine, but partly Hungarian and partly Romanian territories. […] These territories became part of Soviet Ukraine and are still there. Therefore, we have every reason to say that, of course, Ukraine, in a certain sense, is an artificial state created by the will of Stalin.”

Earlier Putin blames Lenin.

“Stalin insisted that these republics that were being formed should be included as autonomous entities, but for some reason the founder of the Soviet state, Lenin, insisted that they have the right to secede from the Soviet Union.

And, also for unknown reasons, he endowed the emerging Soviet Ukraine with lands, people living in these territories, even if they had never been called Ukraine before; for some reason, during its formation, all this was “infused” into the Ukrainian SSR, including the entire Black Sea region , which was received during the time of Catherine II and, in fact, never had any historical relation to Ukraine.

Even if we remember, let’s go back to 1654, when these territories returned to the Russian Empire, there were three or four modern regions of Ukraine, there was no Black Sea region there.”

The entire interview is here:

February 9, 2024 13:50
Reply to  tappanch

Putin “forgets” to mention that the Black Sea region in 1654 did not belong to Russia either !

The region was inhabited by Tatars….

Here is a 1871 ethnic map of the Russian empire. Big parts of 1991 Russia are marked as Ukrainian speaking !


February 9, 2024 18:01
Reply to  tappanch
February 9, 2024 18:09
Reply to  tappanch

Putin mistakenly thinks that

the Union of Lublin (1569 – Lithuania & Poland) and

the Union of Brest (1595 – Catholic & Greek Catholic)

took place in the 13th century !!

(at 8:10 in the video, confirmed in the transcript ….)

February 9, 2024 12:39

Now the craziest part of the “inteview” – at least for me and my wife who knows the story:
Asked whether he was thinking of attacking Poland he said something like:
Only if they attack us first!
Now that was exactly how Hitler argued:
Ab heute wird zurück geschossen!
He claimed that Polish soldiers hat attacked – the famous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident – which we would now call a deep fake.
At last Putin and Carlson are showing their true colours.
But I miss the Hun Leader in this …

February 10, 2024 07:27
Reply to  wolf

The Nazi’s “loved” to use by themselves arranged “incidents” to start aggression.
A lesser known incident happened 1939 November in Venlo at the German-Dutch border. Later in 1940 May it was used by the Nazi’s to justify their invasion of the Netherlands [and followed fast into Belgium and France].
The wiki page about the Venlo incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venlo_incident

February 9, 2024 20:28

T.F.M.Carlson was nice to an “interviewee” who was clearly lying, but pretty rude and nasty towards somebody telling him the truth… 
Better watch this… 


instead of giving Carlson undeserved attention/views/words/etc. about his latest “interview”, just watch this video again… and again…

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 9, 2024 23:58
Reply to  Ferenc

By the sound of it, Carlson’s cocaine-high evaporated rather quickly..

February 10, 2024 17:15

Mutti will soon start an announcement on television. Did the Viktor tell her to resign, or just an explanation for her unforgivable pardon?

February 10, 2024 17:27
Reply to  Jan

Here is the convicted and pardoned Endre Kónya’s description of his role in the 2016 pedophile case in the Bicske orphanage:


February 10, 2024 18:11
Reply to  tappanch

Well, if you read this, he is a saint who behaved very responsible his whole life.This is a new Facebook page, with only one contribution. The author made one mistake by just describing two victims for who the director was convicted. There were at least ten. When I read through the post I was overwhelmed with details no one can confirm except every person he is writing about..
On the other hand of course, the justice system in Hungary is very sensitive for political pressure, and there had to be a statement with the conviction showing that pedophilia is a serious crime.
Maybe Mutti didn’t know this, and the Varga woman didn’t interfere.
I am glad Mutti is gone.
It is an example that public pressure and demonstrations sometimes work. Even in Viktorland.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jan
February 10, 2024 17:33

Mutti is gone

February 10, 2024 18:04
Reply to  Jan

So is Judit Varga it seems.

February 10, 2024 18:13
Reply to  Theestampe

Yess, nagyon jó.

February 10, 2024 18:33
Reply to  Jan

There were just too many women in OV’s government it seems. (Well, Katalin Novak as President was not in the government but she was one of the two female political figures in OV’s Hungary).

Last edited 5 months ago by Theestampe
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 10, 2024 17:53

Doesn’t the nationalist flag say “fuck the truth”.

February 10, 2024 18:30
Reply to  Don Kichote

T.*.*.Carlson’s words when confronted with the truth: 
“go f*ck y*urself” – “you’re a m*r*n” – “you’re too f*cking ann*ying” – and so on and on…

of course when confronted with plain lies spread by the Moscow Murderer he sat listening quietly…

February 10, 2024 20:44

Former justice minister Varga’s former husband also resigned from his public posts.

“I do not want to become part of a system where the genuine culprits hide behind the skirts of women”

“I believe that Hungary is not the country of [propaganda minister] Rogan and the oligarchs”


February 10, 2024 20:46
Reply to  tappanch

Do no be afraid ! Nothing lasts forever, we had not become Turkish even after 150 years [of occupation]”

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 10, 2024 22:07
Reply to  tappanch

High society – turkish occupiers, child molesters, hypocrites.

February 11, 2024 00:01
Reply to  Don Kichote

The rats are leaving the ship

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 00:40
Reply to  Jan

I’m afraid the rats won’t get any fewer.

February 11, 2024 01:04
Reply to  Don Kichote

I completely agree

February 11, 2024 15:59
Reply to  tappanch

A new anti-Rogan note by the former minister’s former husband:


Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 16:47
Reply to  tappanch

I understand; he is sorry that he has to leave the proximity to the fire for heroic arguments … and the Fidesz people are not as they are; no, they all work exclusively for the people. 😀 Too stupid that everything is so stupid isn’t it?

February 10, 2024 21:23

I have read a piece of rumor that the main culprit, the actual pedophile, János Vásárhelyi, was Orban’s class mate in high school.

If this is true then it is highly likely that Orban gave the order to give clemency.

February 10, 2024 21:24
Reply to  tappanch

There are 3 years between them, so this rumor is false.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 10, 2024 21:48
Reply to  tappanch

In the jungle of Hungarian information, it might help to look back at events, not significant at the time, and recognize the embarassment Orbán experienced when Novák went to Kiev to meet Zelensky.
This looks a lot like payback, combined with an opportunity to tighten the reins in the state, at a time of crisis for Orbán.
Swedish and Finnish nationalists ring EU and Nato bells for further isolating his position. They are in a much heavier strategic-economic league.
Although Orbán was successful in opening cracks in both EU and Nato, for Putin, and worked relentlessly to do so, he stands more alone today.
Sawing into the branch you rest on carries some serious considerations, as you work through.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 10, 2024 23:55

Michael, what you write may be a part of the big picture, but today the Viktor was just interested in saving his skin for the Hungarian people. He sacrificed two loyal female soldiers to save himself. And I have to admit it was a perfect show. First the amendment of the fundamental law to make pedophilia a crime that cannot be pardoned. Then he ordered the two women to step back, and in the end it looks like he saved the country from pedophilia. The pedofidesz pushed the protection of the children to a top position on the agenda of their politics. Propaganda and lies included. It was just impossible for the Viktor to keep silent about this.Can you imagine, that even Zsolt Bayer asked for an explanation from Mutti? Well, if you are Mutti you know your days are done, and you get in the plane to Bp.
He killed a potential effective protest.
Still I am happy, that these women are done. If you identify yourself as “a mother of two” or “a mother of three” you missed the point of being a rational person.
This resigning will not solve the problem because there will be corrupt and fascist candidates enough to fill in the open positions. Still, every loss counts.

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 11, 2024 01:17
Reply to  Jan

Yes, it counts! one down!
Never mind the Catholic pedophilia-circus (ok, that’s a different political league).
If it wasn’t for Fidesz’s domestic, sexual agenda, it wouldn’t be such a big deal and we can only hope for a public discussion of the sanity Orbán’s politics in general – especially in relation to europe.
The #mee too agenda hasn’t entered Hungarian politics.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 11:50

Some of the Fidesz are known for their cocaine use. Then there are those who take pills and fuck ass while writing laws and those who hire prostitutes for their vacations. Others marry prostitutes because they are old and ugly but incredibly rich and don’t want to stay alone. You won’t find an honest normal person in Fidesz, at least none that I know of after 14 years. All sick self-absorbed assholes, where would #Meetoo fit in – that’s the Hungarian nationalist Orban culture.

February 11, 2024 10:58
Reply to  tappanch

No shit Sherlock! Since when something happens in HU without Orban’s direct order or approval?

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 11:56
Reply to  Theestampe

The pardon was probably Orban’s idea for a Romanian teacher! who voted for Fidesz. 😀 It probably didn’t work out as expected.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 13:34
Reply to  Theestampe

There is even evidence Theestampe look https://twitter.com/bedeabl/status/1756419716023828944

February 11, 2024 18:55
Reply to  Don Kichote

Interesting to see that Zoltán Balog said he supports Katalin Novák. But then let’s not forget he was let go by OV…

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 19:46
Reply to  Theestampe

I have no idea how this relates to my comment but well Balog … Zoltán Balog who said in an interview as Minister for Human Resources that before Roma can be helped they have to go through a catharsis, this Balog?

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 13:05

I don’t know how much Putin is spending on Trump’s re-election but if he is elected he will get more than his money’s worth. Trump is running out of “enemies” he needs a new old enemy image for his voters. Listen https://twitter.com/highbrow_nobrow/status/1756448411182641288

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 11, 2024 18:02

Trump strikes again https://www.ft.com/content/cb4eedee-263e-4b17-856b-0782c75249d9

The article is titled “ Trump says Russia can do what it wants to Nato allies who pay too little.”

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 11, 2024 18:06

Basically Trump sees NATO like a Mafia protection operation. Pay up or it’s over, and maybe if you do pay up the US will still not back you up unless you pay even more.

February 11, 2024 19:25

It’s getting crazer and crazier …
O and former Austrian prime minister Schüssel talked and O1G said that the EP should not be elected by the voters but by the EU’s states governments.
It’s all over the Hungarian and Austrian media but couldn*t find it in English yet.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 11, 2024 20:11
Reply to  wolf

The Hungarians, a nation that Fidesz stands up for all over the world and supposedly only works for the people, should have no say in the EU. Nor do the 500 million Europeans? 😀

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 11, 2024 20:16
Reply to  wolf

As if Orbán didn’t have enough problems in EU – Alexander Stubb (conservative former PM) just got elected President of Finland.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 11, 2024 22:36

Stubb was in 2018/19 running to become EPP’s Spitzenkandidat. He lost against Weber, who after the 2019 EP election was set aside by Macron and Merkel in favour of Von Der Leyen as President of the European Commission.
During Stubb’s candidacy he was very clear about OV&Co:
KIFELÉ – GET OUT! [of the EPP, of course…]

February 11, 2024 21:38

It is either true, or just an attempt to hide Orban’s role in the pedo affair:

It was Orban’s former minister, who were made the head of the Hungarian Deformed Church, it was him who pushed for the pardon.


This is what can happen if church and state are not separated.

February 11, 2024 21:48
Reply to  tappanch

Tappanch, that’s a really good one!
“the Hungarian Deformed Church”

February 11, 2024 22:50
Reply to  wolf

I admit that this expression and another:

“Christian Pedocratic Party” are not my inventions.

February 11, 2024 22:54
Reply to  tappanch

Former justice minister Varga’s former husband just gave a long interview about the pernicious nature of Minister of Secret Services and Propaganda Rogan:


February 11, 2024 23:25
Reply to  tappanch

I just read it too. This is the sentence that says everything in my opinion.
“We have slowly reached a level where, despite the fact that a lot of things are going in the right direction in the country, despite the fact that I will never be on the other side, it has to be said that this cannot go on. If we don’t want our children to grow up in a family joint-stock company, which is Hungary, then it’s worth changing that,”
This man is really thinking things are going in the right direction here. Healthcare, education justice, free press, NGOs, basically all institutions are destroyed. The parliament is a joke. He only complains that the money is not fair divided in the country. Maybe he doesn’t get enough?

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 16:16
Reply to  Jan

“Maybe he doesn’t get enough?” I would like to claim that this was not the reason for the complaint. I just want to mention that for those who believe it is the EU that is feeding Orban. Only the knowledge is missing.

Just as the German Nazis were not to blame for Hungary’s “cordial” participation. Trianon was not to blame for the loss of the First World War either. There is a convergence from the learned to the actual life in which you can be the architect of your own happiness … but you can also blame every failure on someone else. To regard the latter as a superiority closes the circle of knowledge.

February 13, 2024 21:53
Reply to  Jan

Magyar Peter: “ the fact that a lot of things are going in the right direction in the country

I now watched the whole interview, I missed some very simple questions [so not asked]:

–right direction? like which things? and which not? please clarify your opinion!
–do you consider Hungary a REAL democracy?
–do you consider the mdia situation conform a REAL rule of law country?

If MP would have answered last two question even slightly positive…
what was he BS-ing about?

February 12, 2024 14:40
Reply to  tappanch

The Schadl-Volner corruption scheme was not possible without Orban’s support:


February 12, 2024 19:17
Reply to  tappanch

This morning I could only watch the beginning, but thought a lot in the day what this all could mean.
I heard him mentioning Gulyas Gergo a lot, to me it appeared like there are two younger groups in OV’s Mafia organisation.
And these two groups are fighting each other [Magyar & Gulyas against Rogan & e.g.Alapjog Kzpt.], of course none of them may attack the Boss [aka.myghti lidur], because then they’ll be ousted. 
That’s why Magyar critisizes Rogan and NOT the system [OV&Co, e.g.”a lot of things are going in the right direction” etc.]
Where Lazar is in this mafia game I don’t know, but I think not in those two [younger] groups, and also further away from the myghti Boss.

What I’m wondering about and didn’t follow, is how the “not Veto / Yes to Ukraine support” was really “sold” by the [Rogan’s] propaganda machine to their, so far, faithful believers. 
Also the latest “consultation/constipation”, which was related to that decision, might have had really different results than was officially propagated.
OV’s real position might be a lot weaker than it seemingly appears [acc.the propaganda machine].

In short, if you consider Orbanistan to be a mafia state, I think it’s best to try to see the current happenings in that perspective… 

February 11, 2024 22:48

I wonder if Lazar will try the give castles to your friends law again . Mutti vetoed the first one, but I guess following instructions from the boss.
Orban has been silent about Novak and Varga’s resignations for more than 24 hours, while Lazarus celebrates with nothing but oblivion (nepszava.hu)

February 12, 2024 19:02

It’s getting crazier and crazier in Orbanistan!
This afternoon my wife watched the water polo game Hungary/Netherlands. M4 Sport has “one minute news” during the breaks in the game and suddenly I heard my wife screaming: Loonies, idiots!
I looked up and saw a picture of George Soros on the screen though didn’t get what nonsnse M4 news was “reporting” …

February 12, 2024 19:09

A new bill would erase a government agency whose chief was another pedophile member of the Orban regime.


February 12, 2024 19:14
Reply to  tappanch

Ha was Orban’s high school classmate.

February 12, 2024 21:09
Reply to  tappanch

Do you have a public source to confirm it – I don’t think it’s public knowledge at the moment?

February 12, 2024 19:53

For who has time and interested in “The Hungarian Playbook”, now is a good time to watch [again].

Documentary [mostly in Hungarian, with Est subtitles]:

“In the documentary by Bence Máté and Áron Szentpéter, we see exclusive footage and documents straight from the headquarters of the Hungarian state media. They reveal that 80% of Hungarian media is controlled by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s cabinet. Many journalists prefer to leave the country in order not to be the mouthpiece of the government. The bravest expose the corruption of the country’s leadership and relations with the oligarchs. In the middle of the election campaign, Russia invades Ukraine. Prime Minister Orbán, who is still developing close relations with Vladimir Putin, claims that Hungary wants to stay out of the war.”

February 12, 2024 20:58

A really interesting article on the chances of the extreme right wingers to get more influence in the European Parliament – Fidesz wants to join the ECR at the same time that the real radicals are in the ID.
And of course they all have different ideas on NATO and Ukraine – typical for the right wimhers.
The elections in June 2024 will be interesting …

February 12, 2024 23:06

Orban’s former minister, who is now the head of the Hungarian Deformed Church, does not feel too guilty:

comment image

comment image

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 00:25
Reply to  tappanch

He is a member of 15 well-known personalities of public, academic, ecclesiastical and cultural life of the Advisory Council of the President of the Republic but Balog not in the function of his church or his office as bishop he writes 😀 did I read that right? so he was informed and did not say anything? Wow these are abominations …

… again if he doesn’t want to be a bishop he is just a normal run of the mill boy can advise the president but can be a bishop again 1 second later if he wants. 😀 That should be sent to the Pope.

Phil S. Stine
Phil S. Stine
February 13, 2024 00:44

It’s not often that Hungarian politics is covered by the Australian media …

Hungary’s Putin-ally PM under pressure after child abuse scandal

Michael Detreköy
Michael Detreköy
February 13, 2024 02:29
Reply to  Phil S. Stine

Very good, since that shows how internationally significant these cracks in Orbán’s image-control are.
Not only has he questions to answer for the depth of control, but also for how it came out of his hands.
That spells trouble for a mafia-state leader.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael Detreköy
February 13, 2024 13:08

Péter Magyar (the former justice minister’s former husband) continues to question Orban’s son-in-law and Orban’s secret services minister on facebook about the origin of their wealth.

February 13, 2024 13:30
Reply to  tappanch
Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 15:09
Reply to  tappanch

Poor Péter Magyar. He felt so comfortable in all that dirt. It must be hard when it no longer wants him, poor Magyar. At the next election he can put his cross somewhere else and tell us what has been known for years. Poor Magyar.

February 13, 2024 13:13

New money flow links between minister Rogan and the [Hungarian green card for money] scheme.

comment image


Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 17:12

The Stuttgarter Zeitung writes “Orbán and the damage limitation operation

… 3.5 years in prison [for Endre K.] … The reason: the man had tried to blackmail the victims of his criminal superior into retracting their testimonies. … When he was pardoned on the occasion of the Pope’s visit in April 2023, the remainder of his sentence was commuted to probation – and his professional ban was suspended. …

… Observers rule out the possibility that Orbán’s loyal governor in the presidential palace came up with the fatal pardon idea herself: The web portal “Direkt36” instead attributes an alleged key role in the pardon to the Calvinist bishop and former minister Zoltán Balog: “The churchman is considered a close friend of the prime minister’s family.”

… and the professional ban suspended, I find it difficult to comment on this.
On the one hand, it’s a terrible indictment, but on the other hand, being in bondage is a prerequisite for a job in Orbanland.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 17:33
Reply to  Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 19:57

Hungarian media are really as bad as Putin’s or Nazis!
We watched waterpolo right now (Afer a strong start Hungary lost against France in the end) and during breaks they have those one minute news.
I didn’t really listen, so the only names I heard there were Gyurcsany and Karacsony ….

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 13, 2024 23:53
February 14, 2024 08:29
Reply to  Don Kichote

Well, or rather not well, this is typical for most christians sects – pedophilia is a way of life for them!
I often call the catholic priesthood the “largest pedophile gang in the world”.
I’ll never understand how all those religious leaders ignore the horrible criminal activities of so many of their members.
They would probably like to return to drowning witches and burn heretics for fun!
Religion is the root of all evil!

February 14, 2024 12:33
Reply to  wolf

One is tempted to point out that much of this is the kind of bigoted nonsense that we have come to expect from right-wing populists, not critical liberal or leftist commentators. Yes, of course, there are problems with paedophilia in the Christian churches. It is inexcusable. However, as we see from contemporary events globally, it is difficult to find any institutions (cultural or political) which are immune to sexual abuse of all sorts including paedophilia. It is vital that this is always called out and strategies devised to deal with it, but let’s resist falling into the kind of ranting that we constantly hear from well-known Hungarian publicisták . It’s plain that you have a problem with the churches. Fine, but the bluster that you too-often engage in is tedious. Perhaps you should try to be a little more reflexive and recognise that the world and its institutions are more complex than you seem to understand.

February 14, 2024 13:27
Reply to  Reader

Bigoted nonsense???
Yes, that’s what those bishops, popes etc are telling us!
It’s their problem to have pedophiles in their ranks – and not doing enough.
Evenone of the popes knew about a pedophile cardinal – and what did he do?
Nothing …
And having an amnesty for someone who knew about pedophile activity and did nothing is just as bad!
There have been many cases where pedophiles were just sent to a different district and of course continued thei activities …
How many criminal priests etc have been sent to jail?

February 14, 2024 14:00
Reply to  wolf

You should read what I said more carefully. I think we share the same position on some of these issues, the ‘pardon’ in particular and sexual abuse more generally. A more nuanced analysis is necessary for those of us not persuaded by the right-wing and popular media.

PS: go on, tell us…and while you are at it, non-priests, civil servants, teachers, politicians, stb stb?

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 14, 2024 17:42
Reply to  wolf

Wolf has admitted he has zero tolerance for Catholicism so this is not surprising.

But the problem does extend here in the USA well beyond the Catholic Church which I belong to. There have been exposes about Evangelical Churches, Boy Scouting, Girl Scouts, and every sport youth program. Even here in Chicago our professional hockey team.

I coached a high school wrestling team here for several years because it program was in collapse sort of out of my dedication to the sport and I was personally devastated by nightmare stories about a coach I knew who was convicted of sexual molestation of a sixteen year old. On the surface he was a competent coach.

Probably even worse is the ongoing history of incest globally. The idea of fathers raping their own daughters is profoundly disturbing to me as a father to two daughters.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 14, 2024 13:34
Reply to  Reader

“He [Balog] said that they reject all attempts to associate the church with the clemency case, as they do not deal with such matters. ”

I don’t know who Balog meant by they, but wolfi’s answer describes it correctly. Even if some people don’t like it. What the alleged political direction has to do with this is beyond me as a German. Is that normal for a Hungarian? This is not the first case of abuse in Balog’s career and the attempts by Fidesz officials to cover it up are curious because there are more and more church schools and kindergartens. The defenders of the white Catholic “race” should be taken seriously.

Child abuse should be taken seriously, and the attempt to cover it up twice.

February 14, 2024 13:51
Reply to  Don Kichote

I agree with you 100%. I said that above. My point was a different one.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 14, 2024 14:34
Reply to  Reader

Linguistics should not be a problem reader. It can spur us on to look inside ourselves for what made us so upset, can’t it?

February 14, 2024 15:33
Reply to  Reader

A part of your answer is ad hominem, assuming someone you do not know personally is not reflective, and is not able to understand.the world an its institutions. Well, that is not necessary in the case how churches, and especially the catholic church deals with priests who abuse children. We all know this happens in every part of our society, as you wrote, the difference is, that the institution of the church, or better, the leaders are protecting these criminals from secular justice. They are sent away to some religious institution to pray for forgiveness, but not to jail. If the boss thinks they were long enough on their knees praying they get forgiveness, and can start a new job in some other church institution.This is a crime, and basically the same crime as K. was sentenced for. This is not complex.

February 14, 2024 16:58
Reply to  Jan

Especially online, the only evidence that we can use in making judgements is what is said… a bit like the ‘material’ world although there we can sometimes see what people do as well and use that in coming to a view. So yes, a judgement about someone’s reflexivity is made on the basis of what they say, and indeed, how they say it. That seems appropriate especially if we understand that language itself is also performative. Or, are you suggesting that we shouldn’t make judgements?

 If you read my original post, you will see I emphasised the need to call out those who are guilty of abusing others.  No exceptions. In reading populist influencers, I (perhaps like you) get tired of the relentlessly tedious and bigoted content and the manner in which much of that is delivered. I think we should try not to imitate that here.

Our institutions, whether we like it or not, are more than what is immediately discernible. That makes them more complex than sometimes we imagine.

February 14, 2024 20:15
Reply to  Reader

I agree. that reflexive reactions are not a proper way to deal with reality. Although sometimes it works, like when you discover a crocodile closing in to you the reflex of getting out of the water seems to be a good one. But most of the time it is better to use your brain instead of your spinal cord to judge reality.
On the other hand the people inside institutions play games for their own profit or to avoid disadvantages or other reasons. Often I do not recognize what exactly is at stake immediately.
In this case we can call the reaction of the church leader Balog reflexive I think.The old way of cheating: I said it, took action, I admit a mistake, but hide behind the fact that my institution doesn’t deal with it, and that is why I do not have to take consequences..
So relentlessly boring and bigoted.
He seems to be protected (until now) by another “institution”; the Viktor. Still this has nothing to do with the “complexity” of institutions. It’s the people in it with their strategies who “institutionalize” their game.
In case of Balog, people inside his institution seem to understand that he is not their institution.
The bishop of the Trans-Tisza Diocese asked Zoltán Balog to resign | 24.hu
hvg360 – There is a huge scandal among the Reformed Church: two out of three bishops could vote against Balog
But again sajnos, sajnos for the wrong reasons. Not because of what he did, but for a “theological” reason, and to protect the unity of the institution.
So because of this repeating “misbehavior” of the people in the institutions a reflex like fleeing a crocodile in the water can feel one make better. And there is a big chance of being right.

February 15, 2024 09:21
Reply to  Jan

We agree on much. Yes, of course individuals are important and you offer imporatant examples. However, they are not the full story as I think you know. A little bit of Durkheim would not go amiss here…

February 14, 2024 20:45

I didn’t follow the pedophilia pardon case from the start, basically jumped in Saturday morning, when noticing that all independent media were full with articles about this case.
Now I tried to clarify the timeline for this case, and one thing specifically catched my attention and which for my gut feeling is taken too easy for granted and forgotten.
Why did OV propose the change to the Constitution [zero tolerance for pedophilia]?
1.Did this help the President in any way in this case? imho NO!
2.So was did this an attempt to help OV himself in this case? imho YES
Therefore I want to compare OV to Pontius Pilate washing his hands of guilt [for the pedophilia pardon].
And now everything [aka.the whole 1-Party-Sate propaganda machine] is used to put the spotlight and blame to others [Balog! Magyar? Rogan! etc.] instead of to the myghti lidur…
Very interested in your opinions about this!

Last edited 5 months ago by Ferenc
February 14, 2024 20:56

If you want to get some background info on the people involved here, then look at George Lazar’s facebook site:
Scroll down until you see info on the two ladies and their activities in the USA.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 15, 2024 16:37

As is all over the international news the US professional football championship celebration yesterday in Kansas City turned into a bloodbath of gun violence. As I have said for years we are a gun slinger nation.

Kansas City, Missouri, is among the U.S. cities with the highest homicide rates. There were a total of 176 murders reported in the city in 2020, or 35.2 for every 100,000 people — well above the national homicide rate of 6.5 murders per 100,000. But here in Chicago we have been as high as 113 per 100,000 people. Most of the murders are done using guns.

Of course here in the USA generally we have the legal right to carry a concealed handgun for self protection in many public areas. Here in Chicago I am required to have a formal license to do that. But the criminals here are very aware of that possibility so normally their street robbery or car jacking tactic is to have multiple assailants with guns drawn and aimed even before a robbery is announced.
If you attempt to draw your gun in response basically you are dead or critically wounded. So much for doctrines of self defense. Really given the hopeless situation for armed
self defense in Chicago I rarely carry a gun anymore.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 18, 2024 17:08

I came away amazed at the Russian RT news article on Navalny today https://www.rt.com/russia/592561-alexey-navalny-blogger-opposition/

Significant parts of it are not lies, in fact he was an extreme Russian nationalist and has been consistently called an imperialist by Ukrainians.

But of course RT will not admit that Navalny was a threat to Putin because he combined Great Russian aspirations with an attack on Putin’s own corruption and lavish lifestyle.

I suspected this RT essay was for foreign consumption, but I did find it in Russian too.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 18, 2024 17:18

Victor Orban’s flagship newspaper in Hungary Magyar Nemzet reported on Alexei Navalny‘s death too but also prominently noted that Navalny had been convicted of the “creation of an extremist group, financing of extremist activity, incitement to extremism, creation of a non-profit organization that violates the rights of citizens, involvement of minors in dangerous acts and rehabilitation of Nazism.” Making it clear that Navalny was not a good guy in the least.

In some respects the RT essay was more objective about Navalny than was Magyar Nemzet.

Don Kichote
Don Kichote
February 19, 2024 10:19

Has RT possibly written something about the pedophidesz that would be interesting.

Istvan (Chicago)
Istvan (Chicago)
February 19, 2024 15:37
Reply to  Don Kichote

It was not covered really.