Orbán’s Minority Policy: From one Ghetto into Another

Segregation was “eradicated” in Nyíregyháza by moving Roma from one ghetto into another with EU funding. The European Commission withdrew more than 1.7 billion Forint of EU funds, because the social urban rehabilitation project of the Nyíregyháza in Northern Hungary would have eliminated segregation by moving people from one segregated settlement, mainly inhabited by Roma, […]

Allies Breaking Away

Let’s have a look onto Hungary’s position in the European Union today. Since Orbán has spoiled his relationship with the European Peoples Party (EPP) things are degrading rapidly. The times the entire EPP protected Orbán from the Tavares report ►EN are definitely gone. Even when he was accused for his deeds in the Sargentini report […]

Picking-up Speed

Before I come to the topic of today 2 facts that show the state of the rule-of-law in Hungary during the year 12 of uninterrupted rule-of-Orbán. Both are connected to our old friend, the devil’s advocate. We remember his first appearance, when he described not only the sex and cocaine parties the former mayor of […]

A Fantastic Novel in FIDESZ Style

Or why do the court media love riding on a dead horse so much? The regime media are permanently reporting about the non-existent “case” of the sale of the Budapest city hall. A monumental building that perhaps does not really well fit the needs of a 21st century’s administration, but is definitely a sight of […]

(I Get By) With a Little Help from My Friends

An opinion piece by “Pantanifan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh40p3x1eIs [“I’m a democratically-elected Prime Minister”] Orbán Viktor has been Hungary’s Prime Minister since 2010 (and between 1998 and 2002), setting up the ‘System of National Cooperation’ (NER), and talking about an “illiberal democracy”. Although he likes to micromanage and control every policy detail, even the most brutal dictators can’t […]

More programs

The opposition went on with publishing their plans. These details are way too important not to report about, while their complete view will be needed to analyse the plans. At least the presentation in slices gives the opportunity to get into some of the news regularly, while most of the regime press is telling invented […]

No good resolutions for the New Year yet?

What about writing a thoughtful post for hungarian.news once a while? Something about Hungary, perhaps personal experiences, perhaps an analysis of ongoing developments, perhaps background of actual news? Or perhaps something that I didn’t mention?

December 31, 2021

A Few Thoughts at the End of the Year

Allow me a few thoughts at the end of the year. It was a terrible year in many aspects, we all were shaken by the sudden death of our dear Éva, and we really miss her voice for a free Hungary. We have also seen in how many aspects the Hungarian regime more and more […]


This week the opposition started to publish their program. Perhaps for getting more attention for one field of politics a presentation every day. They started with social politics on Monday evening. The expression social politics is something the Orbán regime never would use, they prefer family politics. But is it really in favour of families? […]


At the end of the year the inflation is at 7.4 % and the Euro at 371.20 Forint, our currency is exchanged at worst rates ever. But this doesn’t even touch the reality at the groceries, the Privátbankár’s statistical food basket showed an inflation of 13.8 % ►HU in the December purchase, the 2nd highest […]